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I want to put together a good outfit to go out in. Looking at October or November. Possibly want to go to a club and out to eat somewhere. I have a pair of black heels that I love and want to put something together from there. I enjoy skirts and dresses. Any ideas or suggestions?
Whatever you decide to wear, just ensure you feel comfortable both in actual clothes and also how you will appear to others. Dress so you are happy and without a trace of self-consciousness and you will enjoy your trip out all the more.
I've seen many a CIS woman looking decidedly uncomfortable because they wore a dress that was far too short or inappropriate for what they were doing.
@ew71 Try things on until one of them makes you go, "Wow, I feel amazing!" That's your style. Then just find things similar. 🙂
I kind of like that approach
I think you have to decide if you are going out to eat or going clubbing, because your choice of outfit would probably be very different for the two occasions. Going out to eat, you would dress more conservatively, while going clubbing, you have the option of a little more risque, sexier, shorter, fun for dancing in, take your pick.
Probably leaning more towards clubbing
I am definitely nervous about going out. I have done some small trips like taking stuff to the post office, using the ATM, and pumping gas. All were at night when I was not likely to run in to any one. The only two outings that I have made that where I stepped beyond that was going to the grocery store once and getting some things using self checkout... also late. And one day time trip to do some shopping at some stores and the mall during a week day. My profile Pic is from that day. I had a couple of quick encounters that went OK. This would be my first time actually going out with the intent of interacting with others.
I shouldn’t talk because I have to go outside at all en femme. What I do know is that no one seems to care about my feminine choices. Women’s clothes that similar to men’s. Shiny pink translucent nail polish. Perfume. And more. I suspect I could get dolled up and waves around town for hours and it would be fine.