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Hello everybody, Firstly I will apologise to anybody who is upset or objects to this subject. But I have been thinking about this for awhile, & have made a decision on it. Right, what clothes would you wear when that time comes when you go & are placed in your coffin. Would you wear male or female clothes, I have decided to wear my female clothes. I have left instructions & will place my choice of clothes in a box, so when the time comes, they can dress me in them. I have choosen my clothes, a pink floral dress, petticoat, white lace undies, white stockings & shoes, & my favorite hair piece. I know that I will never know if my wish is carried out or not, but I like to think it will. So if you feel like telling us your choice of clothes & what they would be [ I understand if not ] let us know.
love, Helenmarie
Hi Helenmarie !
This was a recent topic but I hadn't given it thought before so I didn't respond then. I'll respond now. If I progress to where my family knows and my wife approves I would want to be buried in some sort of femme dress. I don't know what kind of outfit yet. If my wife doesn't approve, provided she survives me, it will be suit and tie I suppose.
For all we know this will become a trend. A CD's or a non medically transitioning TG's last wish fulfilled.
Hmmm, this is very thought provoking, morbid, agreed, but nonetheless a fact of life eventually for us all. I think my answer would depend on how far i had progressed nearer to my untimely demise, plus if i outlived my wife, or perish the thought, had another partner if i outlived my wife. Currently, my answer would be dressed drab, but really does it matter if you are dead, even if i was naked it wouldnt matter really? well it might to my family, but you know what i mean? i suppose the answer lies still whilst you are alive!! if your family fully accept who you are and the fact you crossdress, then i see no issues with being dressed femme in your little wooden box. If however, your family dont agree, then there is a small problem of it actually realistically happening, regardless of what you may want. Ohhh!! its a toughie this one!! i think i'll worry about this later on in life LOL.
Love and kisses, Fiona-Ann xxxx
I don’t have any preference. They can bury me naked to spare a nice outfit from being wasted.
My desire is to be cremated; so, I am not sure if they even take time to outfit the body. Afterwards I have instructions to mix my ashes with fireworks so I can be part of the display
I hope to die at home totally dressed in my favorite outfit, and shock the relatives, those bastards and bitches!!! If the killer missile is on the way, I only ask to have time to be fully dressed and have time to be totally femme. then curse at the incoming missile.
Ideally I would like to be buried in pantyhose, pumps and a short dress. It's my favorite attire in life. More then likely thought it will probably in suit and tie like everyone else. Hopefully that day is a long way off.
Already decided Im going with my Tom Baker scarf and sonic screw driver as part anyway! (probably matt smith doctor, see what Jodie has in the new season)
Without a doubt .... LBD & killer heels .....& Cremation 👗👠👠🌹 Tiff
hahha you are funny...….. karley
i really don’t care as ‘i ‘ will be gone. Frankly i would prefer cremation nude in a linen shroud or burial nude, same linen shroud, in a garden. i will be done with this meatwagon, harvest anything anyone else can use and recycle the rest
“TiffTastic Voyage: The Final Episode.”
Love it!! Love. It.
Hello to all girls that replyed, Thanks for your comments, I know it was a personal subject, & I repect your thoughts about answering or not. As I said, I decided to wear female clothes [ the actual clothes I wear may alter in time as my taste or other things change ], then I hope the people at the funeral directors will carry out my request.
love, Helenmarie