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For me be a child of the late 80s it was Peggy Bundy. I always loved the big hair and the style she had. Call me crazy but that's a look I still try for. Would kill for a big hair wig to like the one she wore. The tights and the heels did it for me too. I didn't know back then if i thought she was hot or if i wanted to be her.
On the other end of the spectrum i wanted to be samantha from bewitched. I thought she was so classy and funny. To be a housewife is always a fun fantasy.
Melissa Joan Hart in Clarissa Explains It All and Sabrina The Teenage Witch.In both shows I was envious of her being a girl,the fact that she was pretty,and the clothes and the tights / pantyhose.
Totally agree there had a crush on her big time. Loved Clarissa style
Funny, I have been thinking about this a lot recently. And its a mixture of characters, if we are just talking female characters then it would be a Sarah Jane Smith and Romana from Doctor Who. Mrs. Muir from the Ghost and Mrs. Muir, always thought she had a grace and beauty about her. Totally agree on Samantha from Bewitched. I will also add Morticia Addams from the Addams Family, Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I could go on. 🙂
The ladies on Baywatch. I never watched it, but I remember images from a very young age as my parents were flipping through TV channels to find something to watch. Being that young, I still believed that girls had the "cooties" so I was only interested in seeing the one piece swimsuits that they were wearing.
I always adored Lindsay Wagner in The Bionic Woman , as well as Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams ☺
For myself I would watch the price is right when I was about 12 years old I spent the whole summer I was alone so I dressed up as a girl and watched the price is right because the girls on that show we're always wearing beautiful dresses and pantyhose and high heels and would walk and move like them I practiced everything during commercials I would sit down and cross my legs I really miss those days
Hi Girls,
<p style="text-align: left;">Loved Sabrina, particularly for Beth Broderick. Loved her look, her poise and her clothes. A part of me fancied her, but mostly I wanted to have her clothes, walk like her, be like her. To me she was elegant, feminine and sexy all at once. So glad we have YouTube!</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Hugs, Davinia</p>
Yvonne Strahovski as Sarah Walker on Chuck. She's a total badass, and I love her style.
Likewise, Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham on Fringe.
Have to agree with you vanna white also someone I loved. Wish I could have turned those letters in those dresses
Daisy Duke was my role model and inspiration.
Oh yes those legs went for days. Always think of her when I wear cutoffs
I wanted to wear what she wore and look like her as much as possible. From the shiny pantyhose, short shorts, sesy shoes and hair to other looks I played with. It was always, would Daisy wear this?
I have to go with Mary Tyler Moore, she had great style. Okay it was the late 60's to early 70's stuff but she wore it well and it wasn't just her fashion, she was a true pioneer for women in that time. Imagine a woman being an associate producer and being in charge over men at that time. The show illustrated that she took flack, usually Ted and how she straightened him out and put him in his place. She usually did it with reverse psychology so he'd walk away feeling like he made the decision, very smart woman.
Mary Tyler Moore was always my girl. Loved Dame Emma Peel too. Was so happy the day I joined the Sisterhood and became a Dame as well.
Dame Veronica