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what type of cross dresser are you?

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi girls! i'm in a kind of philosophical mood today. I was thinking about what to post today, whilst sitting in the car eating my lunch during dinner break at work. I got to thinking that there are many reasons why people dress femme. I feel this topic might come over as a little contraversal maybe? I dont know, but I figured three main reasons.....

1. you just like womens clothes

2. you are femme at heart like a woman stuck inside a mans body

3. wearing womens clothes is like a kind of sexual thing, maybe a fetish or roleplay.

ive no doubt, some people would argue that they are a mixture of all three or just two.

I also got to thinking (its a wonder I actually have time to eat my dinner!) that most men sometime in their lives have worn a pair of their wifes panties, but would never admit it. I admit I have too, even when cross dressing was furthest from my mind, I simply had no underpants, so I made do with a pair of my wifes panties! go on girls, help me out with this one!

love and kisses fiona xxx

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Kind of a mix of all three, but mostly #1 & #2

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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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I would say, I love women clothes but it's much more for me, I don't feel like a woman in a mans body, and it's not a sexual thing for me (it was many years ago) but now it's on a much higher level. This crossdressing thing is more than the three options put together, it's more a way of life for me.

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Hi Fiona.

Well... what about none of the above?

I certainly like the clothes! And I like wearing them.

I am not " a woman trapped in a man's body" in any degree. I'm just me.

I mean, like most, my dressing had a sensual/sexual component at some point in my teens, but then again, pretty much anything had a sensual/sexual component in my teens!! Right now, no, it is not sexual in nature.

I'm a person with lots of interests, emotions, characteristics which some people would call masculine or feminine. I enjoy my everyday life, and also enjoy being able to transform my every day look and present as a woman when I want and can.

*hugs* Gaby

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Trusted Member     Zuid Holland, Netherlands
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I'm not sure either. Bit of all three maybe. Although I'm not unhappy with having a cis-male body, if I could have a wish, it would be able to decide each morning when I woke up if I was going to be male or female that day. %-)

It's nice to let my femme side show a bit.


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It's a mix of all 3 for me and I'm kind of new to the concept of crossdressing so i suspect things could change..


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I was about to post something along the lines of none of the above and noticed that it was basically what Gaby said, but she put it better!

I was sort of #2 until my teens when I realised that what I wanted was just to avoid being male or bother trying to belong.  I guess I'm basically a fan of femininity, and want to wear the team colours!

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Active Member     Saint Louis, Missouri, United States of America
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I think enacting a fetish is the only way I can really express the inner me. It’s done in punctuated, private, hyper-sexual episodes, where I can salve my dysphoria for a time before returning to a form that doesn’t get in peoples’ face.  This is certainly coming from a place of fear, but I feel warranted as I’m a pretty extreme case.

Short of plucking my brain from its socket and putting it in a girl body, here’s no realistic chance for me in the realm of public acceptance.  Though I’m working diligently on my fitness and strive to be as pretty as I can be, I’ll always be a 6’7” giant. And while there are wonderful giant ladies in this world, the lesson of Brienne of Tarth is well learned, in that she spends a lot of time in male drag and still catches lots of trouble.

So, if I were smaller, thinner, more femme boy without a big booming voice and broad shoulders, huge hands and feet, I might make a go of something more akin to just liking the clothes and striving to fully express who I really am. As it is, though I’m in a bit of a corner, and take refuge in autogynephilia — even while I don’t put stock in that as a root cause for trans identity. It serves in the face of repression... and it’s kind of fun, until it’s time to put it all away.

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Eminent Member     California, United States of America
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I really enjoy dressing in women’s clothes because they are soft and silky, there are way more options and I love the accessories from purses to makeup.

That in itself should be enough, but I know it runs much deeper. There is a  feminine  side that is always surfacing. When I dress I feel sexy so some of it might be sexual.

Over the years I have wished to be a female. I don’t know now but if given the choice and chance I might transition. So I would say all three. Still figuring this out I guess.

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Estimable Member     West Sacramento, California, United States of America
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I am numbers 1 and 3, for sure.  When en femme I like to think more like I am a number 2, but in real live I go back and forth (some times it is not bad to enjoy the male privileges).  There was a time when I would "borrow" my wife's panties, especially the really cute ones, but she noticed and was not real happy about it.  I found it was much easier to get my own.

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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Well... all three i suppose, as has been said moods and circumstances come into play alot. When we have 1 and/or 2 and can be accepted by someone special for being the woman we feel comfortable being isn't it kinda natural to want to be treated and appriciated for that effort. It can be exciting. As for being naughty Fiona, I sometimes do it on hopes of a spank lol

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I basically have a woman inside me and she comes out when I dress and act as a woman. I have become very feminine when dressed.

I always look and feel so much younger when I am in my female personality.

Love dressing and acting as a woman.

Oh my!

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New Member     SPANAWAY, Washington, United States of America
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For me its always been all three I've been cross dressing from an early age and love the feel of being stella,

That said i tried for years to suppress stella only to become more female in physical appearance

  • Living as a femanine man being thin with naturally long hair makes it easy


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Eminent Member     Shropshire, United Kingdom
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1 and 3 for me. I am sort of trying to knock 3 on the head but that is the only part the wife enjoys except its limited to strictly underwear only.

Maybe number 2, self discovery is still ongoing.


Maria x

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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Super hard to explain for me. I don’t see myself as a crossdresser, I never really have. I feel like I’m crossdressing wearing men’s clothes. They’re baggy, uncomfortable, and overall heavy. I do see myself as a 28 year old woman and not as a 28 year old man. It’s something I’m growing to accept more as time goes by. I recently came out to my best friend and fiancé as transgender. My friend knows my desire to begin transitioning and understands it’s something I’ve wanted since I was 5. It’s super hard to come out with still because I was fighting to keep this inside for years. I never wanted to let it out, but I’m finding now, it has to be done. I am who I am and I can’t let society or my family keep me from being me. I plan to begin HRT next year and hopefully by 2020 be living full time as Skyler. Name change and all.

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