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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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there are a few things i wont wear dressed. one is flip flops. i find these so unattractive. anything with flowers or kittens. sweat pants & sweat shirts (so unattractive). pointy toe shoes. granny panties. anything blue (except my jean skirts). any night wear. (blankets are my clothes when i sleep). how about you? 

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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For me, heels over 2 inches or stilettos. Even though I might like to my knees won't let me. 

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@mkat3874   Ditto, my ankle can’t take the strain.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@prettytoes I'm not big on overly fitted or tight clothes.   I need to feel comfortable.   Other than that, I'm open to most anything as long as it makes me feel feminine.

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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@prettytoes hi Rachel, I’ll wear anything.  I’ve found that when I first started dressing, I had no idea what might look good on me, so I tried some things and kept trying until I was happy with how I looked.  My only regret is that I’ve tended to buy more formal dresses and there’s almost nowhere to wear those out.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 2019

@jennconn Hi Jennifer,

I'm with you with the formal/mother of the bride/classy cocktail wear scenario

At a rough guess, all up I'd have somewhere near six outfits/dresses/gowns that fit this description and only get to wear them in private 90% of the time. Let alone my two Civil War and Marie Antoinette period gowns.

The other 10% maybe a "dinner out chaperoned" by a lovely MUA frend of mine, and the last time that happened is coming up 2 years ago

Yes there is a CD conference/ball held in Oz every year, but its way out the back of Sydney and I'd need to fly and rent a car to get there. Did it once and aside from wrecking my back on night one, had a lovely time. Cant see myself doing it again a/. expense b/. logistics getting there

Check out "Transformal was great but I aint going back" in my articles here on CDH

But minor/nagging health trubs stopped me from even doing "private" sessions last year. I'm hoping to correct that for '25.

Happy (formal gown) dressing




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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes en-femme, I am always in a dress or a skirt and with hosiery on my legs.

I never wear trousers or legging in full Anna mode.


Anna xx

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
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@prettytoes Low cut, back out and tight fitting clothes…

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
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@prettytoes I won’t wear granny panties. Or my wife’s clothes!! She’s a size 6, I’m a 10-12. Otherwise ???? Jo

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Reputable Member     Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes A pinafore dress and Mary Janes, I have a deep loathing for MJ's not sure why. Feeling Down

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes - corsets. The dream is there. But I've found that with a little excess flesh round the middle, it doesn't magically disappear. It just displaces up and down!

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
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@prettytoes: There's been a few feminine clothes items that at one time I said I'd never wear and ended changing my mind. However; corsets, sports bras, sweatshirts and sweatpants (I'd choose a sweater and leggings instead), ripped/"distressed look" clothes, skorts (skirts with built-in shorts), cotton panties, "boyshort" style panties, and fishnet hosiery are non negotiable to me.

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flannel pajamas!

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 285

@danikiss22 no way. you wouldnt catch me in anything flannel

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Estimable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 61


You are clearly not Canadian! It's Satin, Flannel or just panties to wear to bed!.

Laugh Loud Laugh Loud Laugh Loud Laugh Loud  



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Reputable Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@prettytoes believe it or not, I have NEVER owned a pair of pants that are "made for women"...for some reason or other, I have always been immediately attracted towards dresses and skirts w/coordinating tops when shopping...and I can think of 2 obvious reason...the look is MORE feminine, and then, being "plus size", I find the sizing and fit selection tips more favorably towards a dress/skirt...but that's just ME...!!!

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 77

@prettytoes my list

1. anything looking like a tie

2. pants or shorts

3. skirts shorter than about 16 inches

4. Flats


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Reputable Member     Forest Hill, Maryland, United States of America
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@prettytoes I would never wear a Mu-mu. Not that there’s anything wrong with them - They’re just not for me.

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Noble Member     Reno, Nevada, United States of America
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@prettytoes Rachel, The only things I won’t wear are anything that shows off my hairy arms (at least not in public) or anything that shows off my upper chest and trapezius muscles. I want to look like a woman as much as possible, not a dude in women’s clothing. And even with that, I’m sure I’m not fooling anyone who takes more than one second to look at me.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Some of those I won't ever wear, either. Pointed-toe shoes can look nice, and I have a few variations of pointed, although most of them stick out like the proverbial sore thumb.

However, you left out flats, as in non-running shoe flats. These are the least attractive, unflattering type of shoe possible, to me, especially on real women. Yes, they have their CD uses, such as if we are tall, but they will never go on my feet.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 285

@harriette i agree

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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@harriette I used to have a couple pairs of flats that I wore around the house, never when going out.

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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I’m totally with you on the flip flops. I don’t even own a pair, for male or female mode. I do have some lovely sandals I wear weather permitting. Also agree on the sweat pants. I don’t find them at all appealing on anyone. 
I always try to dress for the situation i will be in. Except of course going to Walmart. Im probably among the best dressed women when I go there. 😉

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 285

@ashleigh me too

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I have never really thought about what I won't wear and have always concentrated on what I will wear.

I suppose I won't wear really short skirts or dresses, at least not in public. I am too old for that to look good. At home, though I will wear just about anything in private.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@jjandme All of my skirts and dresses are above my knee, but I can't even wear them on my balcony. Bummer!

Much to the annoyance of my wife, I wear miniskirts a lot because it is always blooming hot where I live.

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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Ottawa area, Ontario, Canada
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For me the whole point of getting dressed is to look somewhat good so any casual stuff like sweatpants or flip flops are out.
If I can't wear something nice I go drab.


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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 285

@kt1819 thats right. a womans body is like a car. you need to accessorize it to bring out its best look.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@kt1819 Ever since I first saw your avatar image, Kelly, I have admired it. So apropos for a crossdressing site.

I looked for other similar ones, but never found any, so it is pretty unique, too.

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Eminent Member     Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
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No casual wear for me either! Suppose I find a lot of that stuff unisex anyway, don’t feel particularly girly wearing them.

Nightwear though, I love! I guess if you like to sleep naked it’s no real difference but I can sleep soundly in a light nightdress or silk French knicker/cami set!

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@irishlaura Laura’s right, when you wear casual stuff it just isn’t very girly so not worth the effort IMO. I guess it would be if I was heading out and wanted to blend. But I’m not that kinda girl🥰

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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
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I love dresses, but i won't wear them.  Most of the gorgeous dresses are back zip, and I just don't have the flexibility anymore to do back zips without help.

I'm not a fan of floral designs, so that is out for me too.

U back one piece swimsuits and 2 piece swimsuits are out.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@wendyswift Hi Wendy!

While working away from home and staying at a motel about 3 years ago... I couldn't get the back zipper up on my favorite dress. I put my drab clothes on and went to my car and got a small pair of vice grips. I clipped the vice grips on the pull tab on the dress and I was able to manage the zipper. I started keeping the vice grips in a travel duffel bag that I store many femme items in. About 18 months ago, I pulled the little pull tab completely out of the zipper while dressing dressing at home. The zipper stuck in the up position and I couldn't do anything to get the zipper down. I managed to get the dress off over my head. I have lost weight since then so putting it on over my head actually works for me now.



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Estimable Member     Manchester, GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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@wendyswift - Take a look at this....

Dress Zipper Helper...Zipping Unzipping Aid Tool

I've got one from

Not used it yet so can't comment, but it looks as if it would do the job.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Denim skirts and jackets, hate them, on anyone. Don't mention the words 'double-denim'; worst fashion in the world! Rant over (denim jeans are fine, though, either sex).

Any skirt above the knee (my legs are too old to show).

Dresses; love the idea, hate the appearance; I just feel like a tranny in them (yes, I appreciate the irony).

High heels, want to wear them, knees say 'NO!'


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter Isn’t this a case of the tranny calling the tranny a tranny?🤣

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@gracepal Hence the statement of irony—come on Grace, keep up! Laugh Loud

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter Oh I caught it BB. But I’m trying to be a “ditzy blonde” as part of my Grace repertoire. Give a girl a break!🥰

(I also happen to love the word tranny. I think it’s cool. When friends talk about their vehicles needing a new tranny I always think: I got your tranny right here..😊

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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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Rachel, Jeans with rips and holes in them, how that ever became a fashion is beyond me, so I will never wear those. Flip flops are another thing I will not wear. I like to look classy and not like I just crawled out from under the house.


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@blondsherri Love this and totally agree. Just got a tiny grease stain on some jeans so they’re out! And ripped jeans? Oh, he** no. Flip flops too, never had any, never will. Even the name is stupid.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Where I live flipflops are normal attire, and I wear them year round. If I lived in Maine, it woukd be a different story. 

Just a quick side story, but a women's sports team from California were invited to the White House and they all wore matching outfits, including designer flipflops...hey, they are California girls, and it caused quite the stir. East and west coast fashion concepts are quite different. I thought they looked brilliant, but the east coast elites were agast.

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Trusted Member     San Jose, California, United States of America
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I'm  with you JJ, flip flops year around,  with painted toenails. They're cheap and there's so many girly styles. And short shorts.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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yes forgot ripped jean pants and one-piece bathing suits. not for me. and yoga pants and spandex also.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 1008

@prettytoes Okay Rachel, them’s fighting words😊 Yoga pants on the right body? Yes please! And spandex has been my new best friend for a few years now. I want some stretch and body hugging action from my garments whenever possible🥰

I play sports with a group of idiots and we have a term called “QSI”  that we use whenever a hottie is around in yoga pants. QSI means “quality spandex index”. Ratings are 1 to 10. Yes, I have some really immature mates😊


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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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  • Jeans, I wear women's jeans all the time in guy mode
  • Jump suits - I can't see taking off my top when I have to go
  • Something backless - I don't have a particularly femine back
  • Bikini or 2 piece bathing suit - I don't have the figure and I have a scar on my stomach
  • Latex - I don't have the figure and they just look hot
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Honorable Member     Northern California, California, United States of America
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Bright Colored woman Kmart stretch pants , from the 90s !!!

Pink Slipper out !!!


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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Flip flops for sure and very short skirts (not now at my age). Any tops with sayings on them, I don't advertise for anyone. 

No more stilettos or heels over 2" after foot surgery although I miss them dearly. Ripped jeans which I think are so trashy. Tons of jewelry at one time. 

Any mixed outfits. It's either drab or dressed, there is no in between. 

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Eminent Member     Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
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1)  Dear Wendy;  Yes, it can be difficult to do up a back zip.  Have you ever tried using a length of string with a paper clip tied to one end?  There's usually a hole in that flat part of the zip that gets held in the fingers when it's done up or undone. It's easy to thread one of the metal legs of the paper clip through that hole then pull on the string to do yourself up. Perhaps sit down to help hold the lower material down while you do this.  It also helps if you can hold your shoulders back. Then, just simply remove the paper clip. That only takes a second. Same thing in reverse when you want to undo said zip. 

2) Hated garments.........I can't make my mind up as to whether everyone here dislikes this garment so much that they never want to ever mention it, -or whether perhaps nobody has ever thought to call attention to it before. Certainly I don't think I have ever seen it referred to anywhere on CDH before now.

It's the Hobble Skirt. To me this is a fabulous garment.  They are quite commonly worn, even in the workplace, and who knows how many might be being worn at home.  Ladies very often say how much they enjoy the restriction.

In an attempt to try and get some idea of how such a thing might feel and to see what it might be like, I recently took a pair of my wife's stretchy 'trousers' / 'leggings' and pushed one leg down inside the other to make a single tube of material. At the bottom of each leg is a strong wide band of non-stretchy material which is where the hobble bit came in.  I then put both my legs into the one leg tube which created something approaching what a hobble skirt might be like. Yes, it certainly was crude and very quickly and roughly made but I only wanted to get some sort of basic idea as to what it might feel like. 

I found I could only move each foot about three inches before having to take another step. To hold this unusual arrangement in place I simply used some male bracers.  I crossed them at the front to help increase the support they were giving. The overall feel of being contained like this was indeed both remarkable and pleasing!  It certainly felt quite powerfully feminine and I stayed hobbled like this for about an hour which I found very enjoyable. I could imagine the sensations would be enhanced when also wearing tights or nylons. 

I can understand that this wouldn't appeal to everybody, but I do wonder whether CDH devotees haven't actually missed a bit of a trick here? I wonder if such garments were offered for sale, there might actually be quite a lot of interest??  To introduce Hobble Skirts could maybe create a whole new dimension in our combined experience.  


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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@petersmith I have a darlex hobble skirt that is extremely tight. There is just a touch of stretch, but walking in it I need very small steps, where I can only put one foot about 3/4 of my foot length in front of the other (maybe 9 inches/23 cm?), so you can't get anywhere quickly. I also find it creates a lot of strain on the front hip and upper quad area, which can tire out very quickly. It's loose at the waist, so I have to wear it with (over the shoulder) suspenders to keep the waistband up.

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Reputable Member     Southport, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Posts: 170

@petersmith Still popular in the tv/fetish scene hun

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@petersmith That paper clip hack is genius- thx for that and I will put it to good use Susan!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@petersmith Hobble skirts:

My neighborhood is overrun by these by a certain demographic.

They look too restrictive for my beautiful,  long legs that I would prefer to show off (if I could in a miniskirt). I will ask what my wife thinks of them because she is very close to them, but would never wear one.

The only way that I would consider wearing one would be if I ever ended up in some sort of a glamorous ballroom in one. 

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Eminent Member     Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Hello Harriet;  Yes, as I said in my original post, I did think there would be some for whom this particular fashion accessory would not appeal.

Lucky you if you have nice legs!  I'm afraid mine are a bit deformed because of Arthritis -so you make the most of 'em while you have got 'em, and enjoy. Good for you!

I was surprised and intrigued by the psychological effects of being hobbled, as well as the sheer physical pleasure. 

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3991

@petersmith There is this one short, older woman that I see wearing a hobble skirt all of the time. Her feet look as if they are always, uh, busy. Moving a mile a minute, like a centipede. I have no idea how she moves without falling on her face. Probably lots of practice. She is truly a sight to see when she walks. All the respect for her to be able to do that. It's not for me.

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