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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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If I am dressing up, I only wear a pencil skirt or a dress. To me, wearing pants is just too boring in fem mode.

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Reputable Member     Southport, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Joined: 7 months ago

wool, cotton, jeans, trouser suits, trousers, denim shorts(xtra bad)

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Reputable Member     Gwynedd, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 months ago

Hi Rachel, what a great conversation starter!

When I’m Joanna, I almost never wear jeans or trousers. It has to be a skirt, with tights/pantyhose or stay-up stockings. I love my heels and knee high boots, but heels are limited to 3”, otherwise I can’t walk in them! I do wear ballet flats quite a bit, and I also like flip flops with a nice pedicure and tan.

Joanna 💕

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Must say never bought anything I didn’t want to wear bought items I thought I look good in but nope bad purchases lol so guess my only thing that comes to mind is I definitely would not purchase or wear any type of feminit hygiene products 😁


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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 58

@erinb I actually find that a maxi-pad is a simple easy way to present a smooth front for my jeans and leggings...beside being an intensely feminine experience

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 1164

@kendra2024 interesting fact indeed I can see that I wear silicone bottoms that cover 98 percent of that plus a natural look of ya I’m sure we can figure that part out lol 

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Simple, I will not wear anything distasteful or in other words vulgar. I will always plan where I am going, people who will be around me, not going to walk on stilletos around the mall, won’t wear short pants to church, etc. etc. etc. Let’s be aware of our surroundings, act like a lady .

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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
Posts: 73

@carlafirst11 What does it mean when reading this it felt like my eyes popped out and my head popped of and spun around with little curls of smoke and fire with little sparkly things everywhere? Is that normal? (just kidding honey) Blow Kiss

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
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I don't wear pants at all, jut dresses and skirts.

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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Natalie does not wear pants!! Skirts and dresses only 

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I think my main no-nos would be: Ribbed opaque tights - just do nothing for me.

Fishnet stockings - I like fishnet tights but the stockings are just too much of a tranny cliché 😀

Cropped trousers - nice tight Capri pants can look good, but those wide-leg pants that end half-way down the calf or too far above the ankle... no thanks! Also, 'Long Shorts' - I avoid them in male or femme mode!

There's probably more so I'm sure I'll be updating at some point! 

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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
Posts: 73

@caroline2k I love any kind of stockings, but have to have the right pair of garters or they rub the backs of my legs in an uncomfortable way. I always felt the fishnets were more risque not really so much cliche, great choice for Rave type atmosphere, never actually been there dressed but it would be wild, someday hopefully before I'm too old. dancing in 4"+ boots is a little wearing on the ankles but I guess I'm not very heavy either, unless I keep eating candy lol

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4010

@caroline2k Good calls. For my style, I don't wear some of those, either. Capri anything pant legs, anything that doesn'tcover my feet normally, long shorts, wide legged pants. They all would draw too much attention.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@caroline2k I will say that I've seen fishnets layered with nylons produce a not awful effect.

I mean, I'm not doing it, but doesn't make me think the person is lost looking for the pier. 😉

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 610

@melodeescarlet Haha, yes - I noticed you are not a fan of fishnet Melodee 🙂 

On those rare occasions I wear fishnet tights -tights I emphasise, not stockings 🙂 - I always layer them. They look great over a pair of purple tights for example (there's the 80's Goth in me, right there!), or a pair of glossy stw nudes or even white. 

I have tried layering glossy black over the fishnets too, which is quite a nice effect.

I also agree with you on short hair (how short though?) and flats. Mind you, unlike fishnet, I don't really like them on real girls either.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@caroline2k I have a couple of shoulder length options (purple & black), and they're....'fine', but I much prefer the very long versions you see in all my photos. I used to have an early photo of me in the short black hair, but I zapped it back before I got put on the staff. Maybe I'll reload it.

Although, like you, yes, I'm more attracted to long, flowy hair, hence I believe my own preference for such.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 610

@melodeescarlet I have long (down to my 'boobs') hair in 'real life' - sadly not as robust and luxuriant as once it was, hence my use of wigs 🙁 

I do have a few longer ones, but seem to prefer my shoulder-length wigs these days... I think they make me feel more fun and bring out the ditzy side of me 🤭

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1813

@caroline2k I'm not a fan of fishnets. I've only got one pair and only wore them once. I must prefer sheers.


Anna xx

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 610

@annaredhead Oh yes, I definitely prefer sheer tights, but sometimes I'm taken with the urge to wear fishnets. Some lace tights can be nice though.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I only dress at home but I don't like wearing slacks or jeans in femme mode. I feel I can wear them in male mode and don't see the point. I would consider wearing female jeans in public if they were long enough, the ones I have are too short. I have worn female shorts in public with no issues. 

There isn't much I won't wear or like other than too short skirts or dresses, form fitting dresses or skirts, heels over 3" and high waist panties.


Posts: 73
Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
Joined: 2 months ago

Ha! I don't like old lady cloths and I'm an old lady hows that for Ironic. No flowery dress's, only accent cut panty's but prefer G-string I don't like shoe's but I love boots, thigh high, Knee, ballet, granny boots. but nothing under 2 1/2" I am already short. I never wear a "normal" bra, its got to have straps, or little chain thingy's, PVC, leather just not normal, I'm far from normal. I like turtleneck's but not the furry ones, never anything with fur other than a coat . When I dress I dress like I mean it, If it doesn't sparkle, shine or squeeze I don't have time and whats the point, otherwise I could just lay around in a sexy teddy and my silk kimono robe, my little fuzzy slippers (fuzzy exception noted) watching old Linda Carter movies and eating candy... Flirty Kiss  



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Prominent Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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The whole idea for me is to look feminine so anything that women wear that men can too is out. That doesn't mean I don't wear pants or slacks. I just wear styles and colours that you would only see on women. 

The tight pencil dresses don't work for me. I have no hips so I look all out of proportion. 

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Trousers. I wear them every day in bob mode, and I've never seen the point in wearing them en femme. Skirts and dresses are feminine and pretty. I know there are women's trousers, but they're still just a pair of cloth tubes on your legs. I like to show my legs when dressed, not cover them up. Having a fondness for tights is probably a contributory factor!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4010

@jacquelinelarkspur I recognise the thought behind not wearing pants, but there is a ton of non-male looking pants in women's fashion.

When in public many of us cannot stand out too much and wide or short pant legs attract a lot of attention. 

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 610

@jacquelinelarkspur I've always been very much of the same mind regarding trousers, however... 🙂

I wear women's jeans (very skinny, tucking essential! lol) when I go out and leggings (of the glossy or pleather variety), but I also have a rather lovely pair of trousers that the missus gave me, which are an actual pleasure to wear. They are black, wide-legged pleated chiffon with a lovely silky lining and they're nice and snug around the bum and crotch. It's like wearing a floor-length dress on each leg; they are very sensuous and make me feel very glamorous like Rita Hayworth or one of those old black and white film icons 🙂

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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I suspect the answer to this question in times to come in my life is going to be, anything my partner doesn't like to see me in!  Girl jeans, tops, skirts she seems fine with.  I've been out in dresses even above the knee under my own steam, but I know the idea of me in a dress doesn't go down so well with her.  She won't say anything directly, but she has ways of making it clear when she doesn't like something 🙄 

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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LOL actually, I don't wear dresses. My body profile doesn't conform well no matter how constricting my undergarments. I'm usually in a pair of women's jeans, or sometimes jeggings, and if I'm going out and feeling adventurous, a pair of faux leather leggings. That said, I have a floor-length black dress that I've worn to a couple of formal concerts, and, for New Year's Eve, I rocked a black pencil skirt with a white cashmere sweater, but usually what I love most is trying to just blend into the background-you'll NEVER catch me in a red leather mini-skirt or anything like that...

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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The first things that come to mind that are a real 'no go' for me are:

Jogging bottoms; Hoodie Tops; Ripped Jeans; Dungarees; and Crocs.

Judy. X.




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Prominent Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 296

@judevderl oh yes i forgot those ugly crocs.

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