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Hi Rachel,
Anything denim and sweet pants. Wear these things in drab constantly, just cannot do it in fem mode.
Agree about the flip flops and sweatpants and shirts. I also won't wear mini skirts I'm kind of old fashion in that way.
Hello again Harriet;
How very unusual. The way I see it, a person would have to be very careful and thoughtful about when and where they chose to wear such a restrictive item.
For instance, one aspect I have vaguely wondered about with this was whether a lady should be allowed to wear a hobble skirt to work? On the one hand if the manager said it wasn't allowed I could see that causing big trouble because the lady concerned would be saying "nobody tells me what I can and can't wear!".
On the other hand, the manager has a duty of care towards all the staff, so what happens if the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate the building as fast as they could??
Makes me glad I'm not a manager in an office!
Any article of clothing with the word “crocs” on it will never be allowed past my front entrance under any circumstances.
@prettytoes Hmm, let's see:
- Fishnet stockings - I am rarely out trying to catch fish, so these seem unnecessary (I realize this may cause some controversy...I'm OK with this lol)
- Short hair - I've tried it, it's a no from me
- Flats - For as long as my knees/ankles/feet will allow, I find heels to be an essential part of any look. They don't need to be skyscrapers, but some elevation is req'd.
For almost everything else, I feel like there's just possibly something out there I'd at least consider.
FYI, I've got a pair of cute rainbow, wedge flipflops - great in warm weather for days when you'll be on your feet a lot! https://www.crossdresserheaven.com/photo/gathering-no-moss/
the question has been asked, what wont you wear... well for me i will have a go first then decide if i would continue, there isn't much that i havn't tried or wear, except one... Dungarees ... sorry by i find them a compleat and definite no...
Hi gals, whatever I wear has to be very feminine, so no granny panties or sports bras - my bra and panties must be matching, dainty and lacy. No sweat pants or hoodies, no clunky and ugly shoes - they seem to be all the rage right now, no long back zippers, no backless dresses, no flipflops, no heels past two inches anymore as my right ankle suffered a bad sprain several years ago. No ripped jeans, no pajamas as I only sleep with a camisole or chemise and panties. I'm not a fan of these things called 'shackets', they're just plain ugly!
Ms. Lauren M
I can totally relate! For me, the lingerie has to be feminine and matching. Definitely no cotton, preferably satin. Although I do have a pair of exercise leggings, I rarely wear them. If I am going to get dressed up en femme, it has to be a dress or skirt. I can wear jeans (or any other pants) while in male mode.
I think #1 on my "not to wear" list is pantsuits. Dear God, ladies, I know you want to look professional but are pantsuits really the best way to do that? I seem to remember George Carlin being puzzled on why women want to wear clothes that seem more tailored for men. I don't care if it's lilac or powder-blue, I just find them unflattering and unfeminine. Perhaps this is the price women have to pay to be taken seriously by men, and for that I apologize. I hope that as more men come out and start dressing more femininely that the scourge of pantsuits will one day go away and never return.
Crop tops because whoever brought that trend back can get bent. And any top without sleeves. I have tattoos to cover.
oh you got a body license plate? #1 give away.