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I would very much like to have a smaller more feminine face. My face is a bit too round, a more defined jaw line perhaps. I am sure you all ladies know what I mean.
I hope you all have a little fun with it.
Love, Carla
I am of the same mind Carla. A smaller nose would be a minimumwith a little of the chin.
Carla,I would love to have a smaller jaw line and a more female sounding natural voice.Until then concealer somewhat softens my jaw line and talking with less volume helps my voice.
Like every women over 50, I would like fewer lines and wrinkles but that's just part of aging, so my answer is a more feminine voice and less prominent Adam's apple.
Definitely a smaller nose. One of the things that takes the longest when doing my makeup is contouring my nose to make it look thinner. I would like less wrinkles as well but that goes for when I am in both male and female mode. I have started trying taking a collagen supplement to help there almost two weeks ago and when putting on my eyeshadow yesterday I did notice the skin on my eyelids was maybe a tad tighter and easier to put on.
Hi girls,
I knew when I was a young child that I was supposed to be a girl. So I am very thankful and fortunate that I am intersex and was blessed with my mom's facial features and physical attributes, but I would really love having narrower shoulders and smaller feet.
Ms. Lauren M
Honestly...I don't think it works that way for me. Whatever I 'fixed' would just bring the current #2 on my list up to #1. I think I'm gonna go with the girl what brung me 😉
There is so many things but I think a more feminine face. Especially my eyes. Other than that a nice feminine figure would be great.
I would like to have finer, more feminine face features. With less wrinkles.
I think we all appear to be at that point in life when a 'less lived-in' appearance would be appreciated 🙂
I'd have to go for an all-new, wrinkle-free face with a smaller, cuter nose too.
If a new face isn't available I'll settle for smaller feet!
Smaller everything but wider hips and a larger butt would be wonderful lol
It's a long list lol
Mainly though smaller feet and not as tall.
Everything else I can pretty much deal with.
Definitely narrower shoulders. Sometimes I feel like a football player in a dress.
Smaller feet, without a doubt. I can wear women's size 9 (I take a 10 drab), but I'd love to be able to get into size 7.