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I have recently started to venture into the cross dressing world, as a straight male with a wonderful supportive girlfriend, apart from her, and anybody on here, no one knows about me and my dressing up. I guess it is common place to have worried and doubts about what happen if I tell, this person or that, parents, children etc. What happens if a work colleague finds out? It fills me with dread, but not so much that I will stop.

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Nobody, other than the girls on this site, know about me either.  My fears are exactly the same as yours.  The last two weeks have been a revelation for me and I'm loving each new discovery about my feminine side.  I don't know if I will ever venture in public fully dressed (I have already underdressed several times), but I am really enjoying crossdressing and have no intention of stopping now that I have started on this path.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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From the first time I went out partially dressed to every time after dressed fully or partially dressed I've been scared to death. I worry about all those things. Still, I do it because the thrill and rush is like nothing else.

Going put fully femme was a big and scary step for me. I have been seen a couple of times by people I know. Those were definite on s**t moments. They did not recognize me as Patty. Something to think about when going out.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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As mentioned and me also nobody except my wife and then many here know about me and likely stay that way at least for ow. As of family, close friends and such keeping it silent is best for reactions may not be favorable and for me I'm not any where close to opening up. venturing out well that too I thought would be a no go but lately urges have been bubbling so plans are being made to possibly follow that dream .so one never knows, anything can happen if  the right circumstances  show . As confinance starts showing anything is possible. 🌹

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Estimable Member     Bullhead City, Arizona, United States of America
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Only my wife knows, as for telling someone else, you never will know their reaction. Why risk friendships that lasted for years because you feel the need to tell someone. I think for me I would try to find a local crossdresser group and consult with them.

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Little by little I'm presenting more fem at work. I understand completely. Everyone's situation is different. Wish you the best



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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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I understand your fears. I continue to share them. However, I am looking to change the dialogue. If we are expecting society to become accepting, then we must engage in a dialogue with those beyond our community. That is the goal of my exploration into public. I realize that not everyone's situation is the same, but that is part of what drives me.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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I often wonder about this,

What would my brothers, sister, parents, kids, think?!  Its scary to think about.  My neighbors I'm certain and other people I'm "acquainted" with have seen me in "hybrid dress" mode, and I wonder what if anything, do they think?

So far it hasn't been enough to stop me, but at times I'm a little anxious when I'm out and about, and find myself sort of hiding.


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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
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Hiding from your love ones and fearing that they will find out is scary for a lot of us girls. I certainly don't want my mother and sister finding out. Even though they knew that I dressed in the past, they don't know that I still dress today. But when you get as old as I am and as lonely as I am, you get to the point where you just don't care if strangers see you dressed. My only fear is encountering one of those people who object to my presence and become nasty verbally.

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Hi Diane  I think you and I are one exactly the same sheet. I went out yesterday looking for clothes, but nothing grabbed my attention. Looking on line is good but those skinny female models don't work for me, I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy, try and take back!!.


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