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Reading Rachel's "What if 2" post it got me wondering....
The smoke alarm wakes you. There's a small fire, but it won't stay small for long. You have time to save valuables, and pets.
Which of your female items would you save?
I've been sat here thinking about this. I don't think I'd survive the fire. I'd be too long deciding 🙂
Pets are family and get saved. I'll grab my 'go' bag with essential documents, meds, and laptop. Everything else is just stuff that can be replaced.
Car keys, cell phone and my dog
Not to hard to answer, my wife, dog, essential documents, meds and electronics. Everything else is replaceable.
After the wife and dog and my phone (everything is on it), the next item to save, if I had time, is my insurance documentation, then car keys so I'd have somewhere to live 😀 .
Fem-wise, however, and this must seem a strange thing, is a pair of earrings (assuming I'm not wearing any at the time). Earrings are small and easily collected, they will save my piercings from healing up and are easily collectable when in a rush.
Of course it depends on how small the fire is. Next to my multi-fuel stove is a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket so--although it's easy to say just sitting here in my dresing gown--I'd like to think I'd have a go at putting the fire out.
We have had fires before when flames started to come out of the back of the oven and another when the washing machine started to smoke. In both cases, I managed to get everything under control with minimal damage so I'd like to think I could cope with another episode.
And in the event of a total loss, of course everyone has a video inventory saved to the cloud. You can show the insurance company evidence of all your fem things for reimbursement. It will take some serious shopping to replace all those panties.
If I was alone, I would grab my phone and the suitcase that contains all my shape wear, makeup, wigs, etc since that is a lot of expense and difficult. If I was with my wife I would be too embarrassed to do that and would just help her get the things she wanted to save.
Been there, done that.
I can tell you eactly what I saved because I had to evacuate my house and lost everything.
The pets were the first thi g rounded up and packed. Always keep pet carriers accesible for this reason. Next were legal documents, and then the backyard went up so we left the house. I did grabed a few clothes, but nothing femme. It all burned.
Everything was report to insurance and/or listed in the ensuing lawsuit icluding all my femme wear, (we just did not differntiate what was mine verses my wife's.😁) Everthing in your house is "stuff". While we did lose family heirlooms and all our photographs and home movies, my wife and I and the pets came through fine. Having your house burn in a wildfire is a very, very big inconienience, but in the end, that is all it really is. After four years of headaches and hassles we have a new house, furniture, art, and my side of the closet has some nice dresses and I have a few drawers of lingerie. Life goes on.
@dazzler I get the notion of your question: What are your favorite, least replaceable feminine items?
My answer is, as ever, the red jumpsuit. 😉
2nd, my red/black/white 6" platforms.
Two things I'd have a tough time replacing that I absolutely love.
Well it would be my jewelry. My clothes can more easily be replaced and some of my jewelry are presents from my wife and therefore extra special.
Beyond that it would be car keys, wallet and laptop. Fortunately they are all in the bedroom at night, all withing arms reach and therefore all would be saved.
My clothes I would mourn, especially my shoes and wigs, but they can and will all be replaced. It will just take time.
To answer your exact Q, (wife, pets, keys, laptop etc already assumed safe), it would be my vintage French corset. Yes, it makes me feel special. 💚
Wife, dogs, cats, phone and tablet. All of my important docs are accessible through the devices. My feminine closet is across the house so likely the only girlie thing I could save would be the nightgown I wear to bed. Now that I think about it I probably should start keeping a pair of pants and at least a t-shirt near the bed so I don't have to stand in my front yard watching the fire in my satin gown.
i'd save myself. because without me the rest is useless. besides i can always buy more. that could be fun.
My breastplate. It was really expensive and it gave me a lot of problems getting it through customs. My tablet too. Assuming I wake up.