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This evening, I was watching a TV program. It was a quiz/game show and on it there were four tv personalities, two of which were women. The women were good-looking. One in particular had a lovely face, a long neck, firm breasts, and long legs to die for. Any normal man would look at this woman with lecherous thoughts or deep longings as to what might have been in another world. Me? I was looking at her dress and wondering if I could get away with wearing something similar!
What the heck wrong with me?!
Nothing! I do that all the time.
I do that all the time!
don't all of us girls do that?
its probably not the dress, it's how well she makes the dress look. she has all the right curves and bumps in all the right places and size. plus the long legs to pull it off. she would probably look beautiful even if she wasn't wearing the dress.
I always do that too, I think all of us do.
All too often, when I see an attractive woman, I notice what she is wearing first.
Being fully out in the open and having a wife that understands me, this comes in handy. If we are sat having coffee and someone attractive walks past and my wife catches me looking at her, I say I'm admiring her outfit. This isn't always true 🙂
I will often try and emulate what I see people wearing. When I'm scouring the charity shops, I'll look for items from certain ensembles I've seen . It's a bit like playing bingo. I might find the top, and then have to hope the skirt comes around soon, or I'll see a jacket, and have to wait for the dress.... It can take weeks, but eventually BINGO! I have the ensemble.... I put it on and look nothing like the woman I saw wearing it weeks ago! It's all part of the fun! 🙂
I recently found myself undressing a young woman with my eyes because I wanted what she was wearing.
It is what we do Becca! Such a natural reaction☺️
If there's something wrong with you then the rest of us are a mess. I was watching a Florida bikini fashion show and found myself criticizing their shoes. Figure that one out!
Becca I think that's a healthy sign. I do it too but it means you are still looking for new ideas and looking how to improve your look as a woman.
Becca -
I think all of us do that - I know I do. This is my time of year- awards shows. My wife and I love watching the red carpet especially to see what the women are wearing (and sometimes the men - think Billy Porter or Johnny Weir). There are times my wife will say "I (meaning me) would look good in that". There are other times as well when watching a movie or TV show. I think it would be odd for us to not do that.
Sounds normal to me.
I'd probably be looking at her with both thoughts in mind. Best of both worlds!
What was the quiz show, btw?
When I see a beautiful woman I’m checking her out the way GG’s do. I’m looking at her outfit, makeup, nails, hair wondering if I could look like that.
I was just last night admiring a young lady's outfit on something we were watching on TV. But when she took her jacket off, I decided I didn't like her dress so much, as its straps would be far too thin for me.