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Sorry if my topics tend to be a little psychoanalytical, but my mind tends to go that way on the topic of crossdressing. I'm wondering if anyone has certain times or environments when the need to dress kind of fades away. I know for some of us it can come and go seemingly for no reason and there are some times (i.e. being intimate with a woman) when it's pretty easy to be content as a man. Has anyone else noticed times where there is a comfort and ease in being a man so strong you think you would be happy to be that way all the time?
Personally, I noticed this last weekend. I was in - of all places, the San Francisco Bay Area for a wedding and surrounded by all of my closest friends for the first time in years. I was pretty happy to be one of the guys for once, and surrounded by beautifully-dressed women my attraction was (mostly) limited to wanting to be with them rather than be them. Of course, I'm still me and it will never really be *gone*, but I was reminded in those environments I can be happy as my default self while at home in a house of girls I'm pretty much so put-off by maleness I don't want it on my self most of the time.
Anyone else ever felt something like that?
I don't think the urge or will ever fades. For me, it grew.
For me it comes in waves. I'm sure its hormone based. But when the Pink Fog does roll in....WATCH OUT!!!
i had moments were i would not be interested and kept my clothing in a sealed bag and never thought about. but of late the femimine urghes ive had have been too powerful to ignore so out of moth balls my clothing coming and wear for a couple of hours at a time to get back the feeling but just recently it hasnt been enough and just refreshed my wardrobe plus purchased breat formers and hip pads with is taking me to a hole new level now but the urgues and emotions havent ceased. its like the woman in me wants out ans shes not taking no for an answer
Maybe it's not so strong sometimes - especially just after a really good outing.
But you can bet it comes back stronger eventually!
If it's in you, it will find a way.
Love Laura
Oh I can relate to the waves ☺ Tiff
I can totally relate to Samantha's response , definitely waves , femme always there & that's a devine feeling , but occasionally the waves are overpowering & my whole body / soul ache & scream to be female. 👗💋
I like what you said. "if its in you, it will find a way" Kind of like the softer, smaller, gentler version of the Hulk. That feminine monster lurking in all of us waiting to be unleashed when we least suspect it.
i would agree that there are times my masculine side comes out and is the dominant me. For instance at a high school reunion, i had no desire to shocase Bobbie and she seemed content in the background. i went for years active in my church with Bobbie deeply closeted. Now is her time and my masculine side understands. There are still times, like at the gym where Bob get carried away and wants to build up those arms but Bobbie can calm him down and keep the limits on even while not on the surface. OMG I sound like i have dissociative disorder with multiple personalities. It’s not that bad, just my way of expressing it.
Well put! Putting a lid on her won’t do any good. For me it’s all about finding those ways to let the pressure off to keep both him and her thriving wherever possible.
For me it has been like a roller coaster. I put it away for a long time and have recently (last four months) seen it reappear stronger than ever. It seems to go that way the older you get. The urge is stronger and the "I don't give a damn what others think" takes over. I've been taking baby steps going out with a little of this and a little of that. People either don't notice or don't say anything. Love that! The urge is always there and I'm finding I can put her away when I have to. My counselor asked me when I present as a male and my answer, which startled even me, was when I have to.
For me it has been like a roller coaster. I put it away for a long time and have recently (last four months) seen it reappear stronger than ever. It seems to go that way the older you get. The urge is stronger and the "I don't give a damn what others think" takes over. I've been taking baby steps going out with a little of this and a little of that. People either don't notice or don't say anything. Love that! The urge is always there and I'm finding I can put her away when I have to. My counselor asked me when I present as a male and my answer, which startled even me, was when I have to. It is not just a roller coaster of urges but of emotions too.
I can relate to this so much I don't even know if I have much to add. I have questioned before whether the fact that there are times when I still like my maleness means I'm not really a cross dresser, but I think I'm past that.
I may have my guy moments, but if there's anything that satisfies in me the same things that cross dressing does, I haven't found it. And I'm not interested in looking for it anymore.
Thanks! It’s great to hear from someone my own age! There have not been many times I let myself believe that I wasn’t a man who would prefer to be immersed fully in the feminine, but those moments of feeling that « maybe I don’t need that right now » are a real gift. Even at the best times I can think « wouldn’t it be nice to be a girl right now, » so to be in a state of « this is fine, no need to even think of that » is pretty refreshing.
Yep, those emotions are hard. Our feminine selves are so often the purest yet most underloved parts of ourselves. My wife’s lack of understanding was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through and trying to explain it was much harder than the reality of it being able to explore it. All those questions of « why do I need this? » « why am I this way? » « what do I really want? » dredge up so many dark and ancient emotions. That little boy getting dressed up in his mother’s clothes and makeup every morning is still there and very lonely. He may never find a conclusion but he is no longer ignored. As long as I never forget that I can feel ease knowing what I do have is all real.