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I am taken for quite a few years younger than I really am too, in boy mode and particularly in girl mode. Of course I'm using makeup when I'm dressed which certainly helps a bit.
I do drink coffee, though water as well, however I can't remember when I have had a sugary pop, decades I suspect. Also I keep my weight down, which isn't always easy, and am generally very careful what I eat. Alcoholic drinks in moderation too.
Mostly I think the old adage about moderation in everything is the key, plus a certain amount of exercise. Diet of course but genetics too play a role. When my Dad retired at 65 many people asked him why he was retiring so early! He wasn't, he just looked 10 years or so younger than his real age. Though he too always took decent care of himself.
Hi MaryAnn,
Oh gosh no, I'm not going to change a thing unless it causes problems. The benefits are endless to me, and have the opposite of "adverse" affects from water to say the least. I think sometimes "expert" advice is taken to a literal sense without really understanding what the meaning behind it is. When we're talking about water intake, yes, the recommendation is half gallon (or near there)... but is that recommendation a "maximum"... such as "You should drink absolutely NO MORE THAN a half gallon of water a day"... or is it "at least"... such as "You should drink AT LEAST a half gallon of water a day" to wash out all the other garbage we're drinking along with it.
As I stated in my edited post... I know plenty of people that drink way more than 1 gallon of "fluids" per day. It only seems logical, that if you replace the ounces comprised of soda, processed sugars, alcohol, and other chemical ingredients, with ounces of straight water, wouldn't the assumption be that you'll feel better, healthier, look better? I mean really, why wouldn't it be a healthier choice???? So "experts" aren't saying, hey, you should only drink a 1/2 gallon of fluids a day (most people wouldn't even be able to survive)...
They're probably saying... If you're drinking anything, some of it better be water, or you're drinking waaaaay too much crap otherwise into your body. LOL.
Hey there!!!!
You're so sweet. Thank you. Yeah, I think replacing every unhealthy drink loaded with sugars, with straight water (with added fresh lemon slices if I'm at a restaurant) is probably the healthiest thing I've ever done in my life! 🙂
Hi Carmen,
Thanks for the inspiration - and the kick I needed. I know when I drink even 2 litres of water a day I feel so much better, I've just never managed to make it into a habit.
I've done a bit of research on drinking water and from what I can find the liver can process 20 odd litres / day but at a rate of about 0.8 litres / hour - so provided one doesn't drink more that a 1 litre per hour then there isn't a problem - as a US gallon is 4 litres and numerous articles indicate 3.7 litres as a reasonable max - "A total daily intake of around 2.7 liters (91 ounces) for women and 3.7 liters (125 ounces) for men can meet most adults’ needs (19)."
So while you might be a tiny bit on the high side, you do look stunning on it 💗
Thanks !!
Water is the best to flush out toxins and impurities. Although a gallon a day sounds like a lot if you put it over the course of your day 16 hours if you sleep 8 then it's not really, it's just a good steady flow especially in California where it can get quite warm so hydration is a must. If your picture is any indication we should all try it as you are very beautiful.
Take care. Heather.
Hi Carmen, you do look a lot younger than 50, and I'm not going to disparage the water concept as I've heard it before and have seen some results.
I'm just going to say that I personally think it's a combination of a lot of things, keeping yourself healthy, doing things in moderation, having regular check-ups, attending to changes in health IMMEDIATELY!, besides having the genetic make-up passed down from one's ancestors.
I'm pushing mid-70's and still have a full head of hair, contrary to my two brothers, my father's brother (before he passed, as my own father died accidently quite young), pictures of their father and one of their grandfather's, a picture of my mother's grandfather, etc. etc.
Only my mother's father still had hair at this age covering most his scalp but it was getting quite thin much more so than mine.
That's just one thing. The other is, I have never smoked. In looking around at many people I know, they almost all look a lot younger than people of that age grouping did back in the 1950's and I suspect that smoking back then played a huge part in giving one dry, wrinkled skin, besides causing all sorts of health problems. Before that era many many people worked all day in the sun and that did terrible things to your skin too. Now we cover up, we're indoors, we use lotions. Big difference.
What I'm doing seems to work for me, so ff what you're doing works for you, well, good for you.
That's a great story! You know this already since your doing it but it's really just common sense when it comes to water. Firstly it's all our bodies need when it comes to, with a balanced diet of course. Another example is something I tried a long time ago. I'm a diabetic and if your not familiar with what an A1C test is, it's your average blood sugar over a three month span. Normal is under 6.0 and at the time mine was around 8.7 which is way to high. I was still eating fast foods and such and drinking diet sodas. I then removed all the diet drinks that already had no sugars or carbs, drank only water but left the diet alone and still ate fast and junk foods. With just changing to water my A1C dropped to 6.2, almost into the range of non diabetics.
Honey 31, 32 in November and dam I wish I looked as good as you. You look 15 years younger than you are and If I saw you in the street I wouldn't know your an xdresser.