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i can't say i have any of these places or things because i did a lot. for example: i rode a motorcycle, gone to concerts, gone to the fair, movies, bar restaurants, visited a friend in the hospital, biker bar, casinos, tubed down a river, flown in a helicopter, walked the beach in a thong bikini, rode a Ferris wheel, walked the board walk in Atlantic City by myself after midnight, got pulled over by the cops, slept in a truck during covid. but my favorite was getting shot out of a ride they called the sling shot on the pier at Atlantic City. what did you do that you never thought you would do dressed?
Golfing, I suppose? I'd never had any desire to do so - I barely play much in guy mode - but I had a very good TG friend who was an avid golfer and when I asked if she'd ever played in girl mode she admitted she hadn't but really wanted to.
I could see she just needed someone to go with her, so I offered. I rustled up 2 more girls and we had a nice little foursome. 🙂
Well, years ago I would have said gone out in public. Then we joined a support group and they changed that quick.
Once the ice was broken I never gave anything a second thought. I've broken down on the road and been towed, I've been pulled over by the police, I've gone everywhere I ever wanted including a week long vacation traveling New England with my wife.
Now there's no concern, I just go.
I never dreamed I would walk down a busy street in Las Vegas. I was so happy, I was oblivious to others noticing me. The feeling of the dress swishing against my nylons in public was incredible. 🥰
Places I don't think I'd ever go dressed....
1) Church during mass (might sneak in one day when it's quiet, though I'm afraid I'll be zapped by a lightning bolt, just kidding for some of my other deeds in life).
2) Visiting my parents, might be too heart breaking for them and they are quite senior.
3) A biker bar feels just plain scary.
4) A date with my wife, she won't go.
Everything else seems fair game. Things I was scared off before, I've overcome. Things I'm worried about now, I think I'll overcome someday.
About the only placr I won't go is to any family gathering. I just don't want to explaim myself. Otherwise I have been out and about in various levels of dressing.
Some day I will fo on a date with my wife dressed. She is fine with me dressing and would not have a problem as long as we were someplace out of town, but I just have not asked her out en femme yet.
Still very cautious, so won’t go out en femme unless it’s middle of the road wear with small forms, no jewellery, wig or makeup. Boring eh. 😔
Gosh Rachel you have gone well outside the ballpark!
For me just going out of the house was something to dream of doing but since then there is a huge list, perhaps not being fired out of a slingshot though.
I live as Cerys about 80-90% of the time, so I do most things and go to most places as Cerys.
Lately, the only event that I didn't go to as Cerys, and I thought long and hard about this, was an old friend's funeral. I didn't want to take away from the event. As it turns out, her wife was expecting Cerys. She said to me later that she was expecting to meet the other me, and that she would have been perfectly fine with it. I have since arranged to meet her for coffee as Cerys later next week.
On Sunday, I'm meeting my son's girlfriend for the first time. My wife has met her, but I haven't. I'm under strict instruction from my wife to go as male me. My son doesn't care one way or the other.... My wife say male mode, so it will be male mode. The girl does know about the other me, and has seen photos. For the first meeting, and she's a bit nervous, it's probably right that I put Cerys away for the day.
A couple of places where I was nervous about going as Cerys. My local tyre bay. This the the place I go to for all our tyre and tracking work. My car is a gold, three wheeled Reliant Robin 65.... It's stands out a little. They put the three tyres on that. I was in male mode. three weeks later, I took my son's car in for 4 new tyres (The sod never checks them, they were almost shiny). This time I was in Cerys mode. They recognised me. We had a chat about it. I got the usual "If it makes you happy, crack on" reply that most people give. I was nervous as hell. I almost got changed, but that would have taken ages, and my son wanted to drive back to his place an hour away, so Cerys went. All was good. I've been there twice more, once as Cerys, once in male mode.... They have a bet now as to who is going to turn up 🙂 My wife's car has a slow puncture. I have to top the tyre up every three days or so. One day next week, I'll be back there 😉
The other place I was nervous about was Screwfix (A tools and trade supplier for those across the pond) Screwfix shops are always full of tradesmen. I needed to get something. I placed the order online, and went off to collect it. The shop was busy. I went in, joined the queue, received my order and left. No worries. I go there every couple of weeks now, more often than not, as Cerys.
I would never go to/.
1/. My men's social group. 150 members. most of 'em are great blokes, but there's few bigots there, so..
2/. Out of my own room in the morning still in full femme sleep mode. "The Boss" knows but does not want to know".
3/.Out our from door as Caty. This is a retirement community and the gossip mill runs at a million miles an hour.
4/. Outside my storage unit even with after hours access. There's cameras everywhere.
1- I never thought I would ever be brave to go to the mall or any other shopping center.
2- Have attended mass at the Cathedral and my local parish many times for Sunday mass.
These are probably the top things that in my beginnings never cross my mind, just walking at of the house took me hours as I was so scared, wasted time.