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I’ve been cross dressing since I was about 13. I remember putting on my mom’s clothes when I was alone. As a grew up and got out of the house I started wearing my ex wife’s clothes from time to time. That’s where I started enjoying the garter and stockings.
My new wife and I were having issues here not to long ago. I had told a female friend (she’s like my sister more than a friend) that I liked to cross dress. She thought it was great. She advised me on how to wear different types of clothing and wanted me to dress up and go out with her the next time I visited. She also convinced me to tell my wife. As my wife and I were getting our issues worked out, I figured what the hell. I told her about it and to my amazement she was all for it and very supportive. I showed her the panties, Bra and stockings that I already had. She did ask if I was going gay, to which I replied no. She asked why I liked it? I told her straight up, it’s the thrill of knowing I’m wearing it and no one else does. I told her I was worried about how she’d take it. She asked me what was the difference, she ran around in my boxers all the time. It’s nice now because when I wear my things out on the road. I can just bring them home and wash them with my other clothes, rather than having to wash them by hand. Eventually I’ll have to tell my 2 grown adult step kids that live with us but that is a story for another time.
Lucky you to have a sympatico wife.
@jeried I came out to my wife 2 years ago and it has been wonderful. I have 2 adult kids that I have no intention of telling, I dont see that it is of any concern to them. With that said then one child who lives in town and comes over frequently has seen my painted toenails (forgot to cover them up) he sees me in earrings frequently and if he looked around (as I am sure he has) he would discover lots of clothes for stephanie. So maybe he suspects or knows . If he asks I will be honest, but pretty sure if he knows he doesnt give it a second thought.
I use a "need to know" attitude about my dressing. My wife needs to know so I don't have to worry about getting caught. My adult kids don't need to know, but I have no objection to them knowing if they did find out. Other than mostly random strangers like at a dress shop, or Sephora getting make-up done few others know. My cousin is one, and that was because I needed to tell her so I could have someone to talk to. My wax technician knows as well because we chat about dressing and gender issues (she's bi) while she rips the hair off my legs...it passes the time.
It's always nice to read success stories about coming out Jeri, it gives encouragement for others. Okay it isn't always an option nor successful but shows it is possible and can be worked into a relationship. Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations, Jeri! Having your spouse/SO on board is an enormous relief! It helps you start treating what you like doing as just another normal thing. 🙂
Jerri, great to hear. It is nice when you have the ability to share with someone. I too have told my wife, as always many questions. Now she is a tease, while losing weight. Pursuing closet, get called in and SO other, states take what you want. Then told me the jeans would be good, but she will not let me wear them out. Many tops and dresses. She is wonderful, but still do not know all her feelings. We do not talk much about CD, but during NFL season, game day, I can do makeup of our teams colors.Lynne
Wish you the best.
Jerri -
Very happy for you, it is nice to hear she is accepting.
When I first came out to my wife she had a lot of questions and it was a DADT situation. She did, however, buy me some pantyhose and manties (panties made for men). Over the years she has become more accepting to the point I can spend time with her being dressed. She has lost weight and at times will go thru her closet and ask if I would like to try on some of what she is getting rid of. I try it on right there with her to get her opinion. It is fun - kind of like a fashion show. When we have been shopping for her she has asked if there is anything Suzanne would like - I've gotten some tops as a result. We've been to Thrift stores and a shoe store once. At the shoe store she had me try on a couple pair of heels to make sure they were the right size, that was fun. We go for mani-pedi's every couple months and I get color on my toes (for Christmas I got a sparkly red with snowmen on my big toes). She helped me buy my make up and helps me with final touches once I put it on. the same with my wigs. It is nice haveing her accept this part of me but I don't push it as I don't want to ruin what I have.
That is so great your wife is supportive and participates! It makes things so much better in regards to our guilt and shame. Plus it is very nice to have a fashion expert and tutor on how to do things
enjoy !!