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Hi Peggy Sue,
The world may label it crossdressing, but if you're really a girl "between your ears", as am I, then it's merely dressing, as it is for any GG. And "Ma'am" is the appropriate salutation for us. I get dressed every day in a skirt and blouse, or a dress - along with panties, bra and flats, and that's all it is - getting dressed.
I can spend all day giving thanks to you all. I feel… like me!
Love & gratitude,
Barb 🙂
All those traits you mentioned are just such wonderful feelings to express. I love the thought of being a girly girl.
I like to think of myself as "The Queen of Chiffon" it's the most delicate of fabrics and I feel so feminine when wearing one of my chiffon dresses or chiffon nightgowns.
Peggy Sue, I think this is only crossdressing if we buy into the idea that boys should wear pants, like blue, and play with trucks. And girls should wear dresses, like pink, and play with dolls. I grew up being taught that, as probably almost all of us did. But now my thinking is changing. I enjoy skirts, I like pink, and what's the big deal about that? Can we still call it crossdressing if we are just dressing to match who we feel like we are on the inside? I think that is more, dressing to express your true self. And for some of us, that true self just happens to lean more toward the feminine side.
Ohh Peggy Sue I know what you mean There is defiantly more to it. I was always the happiest when I presented as a girl then a woman. I am not sure what happened to us, but it always has been so confusing for me. I have spent so much time and money dealing with therapist and psychiatrist and the medicines they had to offer. I could not believe that i was given a body of a male but felt i was a woman. I defiantly thought there was something wrong with me. Fortunately for me there were night clubs, private TG/CD clubs and places like CDH that helped me confirm it was not just me that felt like this Like so many here I have gone from loving to hating how I feel. It just adds to much stress in one's life. The hiding and be frightened that some one might find out The issue with gender Identity should of been confirmed at the beginning of birth. I suppose I should of dealt with this back when I was much younger. Like so many here I hoped these feelings would just go away. I wrote a article a few years ago on the TGH site. I have acquired Too much baggage to transition" I have come to love all i have helped to create. So here I sit, my wife very understanding as much as she can but still expects the man she married to be just that. We all make choices in life and we have to live with our choices. So acceptance of who I am and how I feel has been so difficult for me. I wonder sometimes what it would be like just to be a normal man and just being happy being a normal man. So yes there is more to it than just wearing the clothes that make us feel happy and alive. Just wanting to express the real me without criticism or made to feel uncomfortable especially when I have taken a life time to learn what has been expected of me because I was born with the genitalia of a male. Thank you for your post Peggy Sue without a doubt there is whole lot more to it than putting on a cute dress and heels. Learning to be a proper woman is something well worth working towards after all it too our GG sisters a life time to understand. I wish you well and know most here understand how you feel
Luv Stephanie
I agree with you , it is amazing that we are labeled at all in todays world. Although I have seen post on this site of men that just want to dress female but don't possess the inner feeling of being in the wrong body or the deep need to be female. I believe for most of us it is not about the clothes but rather the satisfaction of confirming to ourselves who we know we are. Anyone can put on clothes, but to dress as who you are inside because it is an instinct not a choice is a different thing altogether. I do not think of myself as a crossdresser and truthfully the word is demeaning to me. It is a label that in it's conception is meant to be prejudice and causes people to be hateful towards us or at least afraid and standoffish without consideration. It is just who we are, not what we are. I am female in my heart and mind and I am a better person for it . I think we all know manly men who are very rough and judgmental in their understanding and response to others different from them. But we , because of this feeling we have about who we are have found that sweet spot in our hearts and minds that give us compassion towards others that most men do not have. To make a long story shorter, it is much more that just putting so clothes. Coral
Great topic Peggy Sue!
For me it's definitely a lot about the clothes - feeling pretty, feminine, comfortable, relaxed (there is nothing like slipping into beautiful lingerie at bedtime), but also being able to express myself and my fem personality on a regular basis. I'm not out yet but I do get plenty of time to enjoy dressing at home so that suffices and having a loving and supportive boyfriend really makes me feel extra girly as well (message me if you're interested in hearing about our loving relationship).