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Now my husband was not a cross dresser when we got married and it was my fault that he became one and we both followed this white rabbit down the hole together. He really enjoys it and I love him so much and enjoy all our time together no matter how he dresses. Here are some of the top reasons that cross dressers make better husbands.
1. Men who cross dress are most certainly straight as gay men are not interested in dating a man in female clothing and underwear.
2. Because they are more in touch with their feminine side they make better and more attentive lovers as well as calmer more caring partners all around.
3. Because they like to look good in female clothing, they take better care of their bodies and are generally smoother, better trimmed less or no body hair, cleaner, smell much nicer and take better care of all clothing and fabrics in general.
4. Because they wash their own lingerie and underwear, you can trust them to wash yours as well and know it will be done properly and returned to drawers in pristine condition.
5. A man wearing a bra and panties under his work clothes is far less likely to be willing to get undressed with the slutty secretary in the photocopy room at work for fear she just laughs her head off at him and tells everybody what she found under his clothes. Not that I worry about my hubby being that kind of man anyway.
6. A couple who plays together, stays together and you both can enjoy the experience together and it is one more thing that holds a marriage together.
Others may have a different opinion to mine but both my husband and I believe that clothing is clothing and no fabric or fiber ever made, grown or stolen from an animal is gender specific.
If the material the clothing is made from is not gender specific then how can you call it female clothing? The same material in the clothing could have just as easily been turned into a rope, bed sheet, bath towel or door mat.
It is time the world woke up and let people wear clothing they like and not put gender specific labels on the world we live in. END.
Well...there you have it. Anyone care to add more reasons to the list? Shall we make it our manifesto?? Well anyway....hope this will help some of the girls out there explain to their "significant others", and answer the........"why are you doing this?"
Dame Veronica
Absolutely. As my wife had said many many times. She happy that I'm happy and overwhelmed for my settle demeaner and all the extra help around the house. As much as she cautiously accepts me she does enjoy theses changes and loves me for understanding her more and appreciates our relationship is closer than its ever been. As she recently have said "where we're you before ?" Lol!!! with 40 years of marriage coming up were finally enjoying life together with a bond that will prosper for many years to come .🌹
I'd like to add a different "twist to this thread", there I go with another bad pun!!
I maintain that my strong feminine side has helped me develop deep and long lasting friendships with females that would have been impossible, had I been all "macho" in nature.
I have enjoyed deep friendships with two ladies so close to being "brother and sister", its just plain wonderful to have experienced it. One in particular, lives in North America and when I traveled on business 20 years ago I would see her quite frequently. Now it's only been twice in 15 years, but the friendship bond is still as strung as ever. What helps is she has no "real" brothers and I have no sisters....Some of the things we shared over the years were ever so deeply personal that no one else could ever have been party to them And yes she knew at a very early stage about Caty and was very supportive.
So "IMHO" we crossdressers not only make better husbands, we also make better and more caring and empathetic friends
Katy.....thank you for your lovely addition. That is really all we need in this life isn't it? A couple of good friends to share with.
Dame Veronica
I think it influences our perspective on things as we see things from both the male and female side making us more open and better decision makers. Just a thought.
Agree with Heather; it seems to really cause an opening in my mind to different perspectives.
I can’t believe this is the first time I read this post. Very well said.