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Why do you like crossdress?

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Active Member     Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Hello all!

So I just recently started crossdressing again because I have more free time then normal. I only have a couple of items because my wife thinks crossdressing is disgusting and wrong. This makes it difficult in more ways then one. But I do enjoy dressing for a couple of reasons, first, I love the feel of female clothes! They are soft and sexy, second, women can wear ANYTHING and get away with it! There are so many styles and colors that it blows my mind. Right now I'm wearing my only outfit, a black pair of leggings, dark blue panties, black bra(with water balloons;) , and a purple T-shirt. This is my house work, along with my only, outfit. It helps to bring out the feminine side of me which feels good and allows me to pretend and act differently; show a part of me that begs to be freed at times. So, I was wonder why do others, meaning members of the site, crossdress?



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Welcome, sorry for the wife thing that has got to be impossible to deal with, I'm single and have no clue how that would work...

I'm new at dressing, but if I think about it i dress for the reasons you do..


Lisa 🙂

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi Katherine. why do I crossdress? hmmm let me think... I suppose there is many answers to this question but not all apply to me. I have thought and wondered hard about this as many of us do with other things in life such as 'why are we here'? 'what is the meaning of life'? etc etc.

I think my main reason is, I must have been born with a partial bit of female in me if that's even possible and over the years the feminine side of me has grown ever stronger. as far as I can remember, nothing actually triggered it all, it just kinda happened, almost like waking up one morning, thinking I feel female and it all just stemmed from there.

I know all this probably sounds absurd! but once you get the feelings, they grow on you and with time you experiment and gain knowledge about things you never even gave a thought to! I feel genetics probably pay a part in all this and somewhere along the way, our male hormones and dna have been mixed with female ones!

fiona xx

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Katherine, There's  something about clothes that we all respond to. When we were little boys we dressed up as soldiers,cowboys, now its batman or A vast array of superheroes. I think we all feel A part of the team when we wear our Cubs or bulls sweatshirts. I think its some kind of hero worship we all feel, so its really not that unusual that we want to wear panties bras and dresses ect. that the one we love wears, after all women have been the number one thing in our lives. My wife thinks I am showing her that I love and respect her above everything else by wanting to wear feminine clothes. We have been married over fifty years and she still loves the feeling of cuddling up in our silky nighties.


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I think I like to Crossdress because I feel sexy when I do feel safe more feminine and less macho and I enjoy it

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Hi Katherine.

I think that you will get lots and lots of different answers to your question. Which is a true show of the diversity within what some would think shall be an homogeneous group.

And not only that. Some may have very different answers which they would have used at different stages of their crossdressing. Why I do it now is totally different from why I started doing it. Or why I did it as a teenager or before getting married.

For some, there is really no change. They do it because it is sexually estimulating. Same for those who do it because it makes them feel that their presentation is now in sync with who they are. They may have started that way and they continue feeling the same way. The behavior is the same (As in crossdressing -wearing clothes which were designed for people of the opposite biological gender) but the motivation can be incredibly different.

At the end, for those who don’t consider themselves to be transgendered, getting down to the most basic answer could be that we do it because we like doing it. (And from there again a bast number of variants... because I think I look nice, because the clothes are nice, etc. ) of course, this is only IMHO.


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Trusted Member     Trinity, Texas, United States of America
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I love the feeling of the clothes also. It's so feeeing not being restricted to only male clothes. It makes me feel sexy and pretty. I'm finally being my true self.

I'm sorry that you don't have the support of your wife. That is a big help to have that support. I'm lucky to have the support of my wife and kids.

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Hi Katherine,

When I dress, I feel a strong sense of well being. I feel social, attractive and content.



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Trusted Member     Zuid Holland, Netherlands
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Well, at the moment I don't actively dress.... I just think about it. But I just love femininity in all its forms, and I love the clothes that ladies wear, and the graceful way they look and move. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
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I believe femininity to be one of the most precious gifts of that has been shunned and scoffed at as a sign of weakness by seemingly a majority of modern women.  It's hard to understand why women feel they have to deny that gift.  The beauty, kindness and love of a woman who cherishes her gift, can bring even the mightiest of mortal men to his knees to beg for her affection, or her hand in marriage.  I was never an alpha male, rather I am a humble, gentle person who privately embraces my own tears.  In other words, there is a very sensitive side to me that is much more in tune with femininity than with masculinity.  Crossdressing gives me such a sense of peace and serenity because even on a very small scale, I can experience and celebrate the wonders of femininity that are so lacking in the world today.

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Hey, I’m lucky to have a supportive wife very sorry for those who haven’t been so lucky I’ve been dressing since I was a teenager and love being both en femme with a real gal and also alone. Can’t explain the feelings of joy when in the mood!

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Hi Katherine!

Couldn't agree with you more!  I love the feelings and sensations one receives from wearing womens clothing.  That is one of the main reasons I do it.  Plus I think it's down right sexy!

My wife does not like the idea, but at my age (in my 50's), I'm doing pretty much what I want, with caution I have to admit!

For me crossdressing is a part of me, it is part of who I am, it is what I do.  If I have any regret it is that I didn't give this more attention when I was younger, when I probably could have actually passed as a woman, and just didn't do more of it.

I'm working on an article I hope to "publish" here, on this particular subject.  Great timing for your post!

Thank you, hugs, love and kisses from all your Sisters here at CDH!


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Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
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Hi Katherine,
I too crossdress without the support of my wife and dress when the opportunity presents itself when she is not home....although Kathy does not want to be with Leonara, she frequently schedules lunches, dinners, etc with her friends
So I can "take the time to do what you need to do".
Kathy is processing my "needs" for me to be Leonara. I am trying to feel balanced in drab, but what happens when I can express myself as Leonara. It feels so true, so natural and comfortable....
Be well...Leonara

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Over the years from being a small child to today the following reasons have ebbed and flowed:


mild gender dysphoria,

rebelling against puzzling gender rules and stereotypes,

a rebound from failing to compete with other males,

an escape from depression and the low points of life,

a way of feeling good about myself,

heroine worship, a love of femininity,

a desire to look pretty.


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Estimable Member     West Sacramento, California, United States of America
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It is nice that at least your wife makes time for you to have fun.  I had to go through so much garbage as mine didn't like it at all.  I think there is just something in me that makes me want to be feminine.  I just love getting dressed up, the feel and looking pretty.  My attitude changes and it a like taking a chill pill.

The first time I shaved my legs I was in awe of how wonderful it felt and looked.  I was very worried when I wore short pants that someone would notice.  I found it is no big deal, and looking around at the other guys I notice a lot of men do it.  When in drab I find myself having to be careful when speaking with GG friends as I don't want to sound to knowledgeable about things like putting on makeup, fashion and so on.  But in the end, I do love it.

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