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[Closed] Wierd - Or Just Holly???

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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I have a proper, professional photoshoot lined up for 11am (BST = GMT +1) on Tuesday - let's call that about 40 hours or so to go.  I have done this once before (please see my photos on my profile - and please don't be too harsh about the model's incompetence...)  My problem is that I was so, so nervous last time - and (for Atheismo* knows what reason!) I'm way more nervous this time!  I've actually considered pulling out - and losing all the money I've paid - even though I know that (the fantastic photographer) Tracey has seen it all before - with me as one of them.  Has anyone else had this experience?  Why do I feel so over-the-top worried, considering that it isn't a new experience for me?  Oh - and wht sort of look should I be trying for?  Pretend to be young?  Accept my age?  Girl about town - or what a great cocktail dress?  All ideas considered - even though the stress may cause a (shall we say) "blip"... and a possible (though I really don't like that idea) cancellation......  Sorry to be such a pain - I'm just totally on edge and really panicking!!!  Holly XXX

* Atheismo - the Lady, High Godess of all us Atheists!  Hail and All Praise to Her! 

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@hottestwitch Holly, looking at your profile, you're not used to being out in public and being seen by others, which is probably why you are nervous. I would say just take a deep breath and then go for it. The photographer has seen others (as well as yourself) before, and is non-judgemental, so there shouldn't be an issue there. There isn't a real reason to cancel over nervousnes. You'll be surprised how quickly it will go away.

I don't know what you had in mind when you booked your appointment, so it's hard to tell you how to dress. I wouldn't say dress your age, because when you dress you always look a bit younger. But I wouldn't go too young either.

It also depends on whether you are going to wear an outfit there, or change once you get there. You probably wouldn't want to wear a cocktail dress to the place at 11 AM; you would feel out of place. But if you're changing there, you can wear whatever you want; no one need know the time of the shoot when looking at the photo.

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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@hottestwitch Holly, I can only try to encourage you to go for it, just as the other girls have done.  Being nervous is only too understandable, but it may actually add to the excitement of the visit as well as help you to get more at ease next time.  

I am sure the session will go well and the photos will be as good if not better than the last time.  You must let us know how the experience went…from the moment you leave your house, to the moment you get back.  We are all excited for you.

Remember to enjoy the day as much as you can.



Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@hottestwitch hi Holly. 

I was just as nervous for my second as for my first too. In my case i think I was so excited, my emotions drifted into nerves. Please try not to worry, go with the flow, and your makeover will turn out fine. And as you said, it's paid for now. (I wish I was going too ! )

Emma xxx

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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@hottestwitch Holly, you're going to be great. Hey, this is only your second makeover, being anxious is very understandable.

How about this. Don't be "young". Be your age, a successful business woman. That has to work, Holly.

My prediction? When all is said and done, you will look and feel fabulous!

Hugs from the US,



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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@hottestwitch Photoshoots are exciting, nerve-wracking, fun all at the same time. I love dong them and the photographer has seen me in various states of dress, undress, in drab, en-femme and always puts a smile on my face. I've a couple of large canvases and quite proud that a picture of my wife and I hangs in the reception of her studio, is a well-known, much loved photo. A make-up artist we met recently was very plese to meet us and apparently the image has been imitated which we're proud of.

So go, enjoy the shoot, have lots of fun and create memories and above all, get some great photos to treasure

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Hey Holly

As I think you know, I'm having a makeover and photoshoot at the SAME PLACE as you towards the end of July. I booked it at Christmas, and haven't thought about it too much since. However, as it draws closer I know that the nerves will begin to kick in ... and with it the feelings of uncertainty.

BUT (and it's a big but) I AM going to go through with it.

It's an adventure. I love adventures! And afterwards, I AM going to post the photographs (or at least the flattering ones) on CDH for all to see.

As for the look ...

I know that Tracey often does quite glamorous makeovers and photoshoots, but that isn't really what I'm after. I want to look in the mirror and see ME - my own version of Ellie - rather than what someone else thinks that I should look like. The day that my profile photo was taken was the day that cemented my own sense of self. That's me. I don't want to be blond, or have rainbow eye shadow, or be squeezed into a tight dress.

I'm going to be taking that photo along and asking Tracey to get me as close as possible to what she sees in it. And I'll also be taking a suitcase full of own clothes.

I want her to bring ME out, not turn me into someone else 🙂

So Holly ... go for it. Have fun. But my recommendation is that you ask Tracey to try and reveal the real you.


Ellie x

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I quite agree. Look for the real YOU.

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 Ellie - she did everything I - or anyone else - could ever have wanted... and much more.  When you see Tracey, please remember me to her... and I'll probably be back for one more photo session before my big holiday next May.  Go for it - and I don't need to say to enjoy yourself - Tracey makes that a given!  Love you:  Holly XXX

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Holly ... I'm sooooooooooooooooo glad you went.

Your reply is making me look forward to my own time with Tracey all the more 🙂

Big Love Eyes


Ellie x

(@Anonymous 95874)
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Hi Holly, please don’t cancel, it’s impossible to avoid the anxiety you’re feeling but not too late to avoid the regret you may feel if you back out. I feel the pictures we take of our female persona’s help secure us in time and give us history that becomes so valuable the older we get. I recently did a deep dive through the many folders and computer files of pics I’ve taken over the years, the vast majority of them I would never want anyone to see but I’m so glad I have them, in the process I realized that I have been sharing a life with this woman for twenty five years, the woman that I discovered in myself and breathed life into. I also realized how much I treasure them, they’re so personal, so emotional. Of course the decision is yours but I hope you go and have fun and create some wonderful keepsakes of beautiful Holly and if you do I hope you share some with us!


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Another series of random thoughts ...

I used to organise school expeditions with a group called Operation Wallacea. As a perk, I was offered free SCUBA training. I signed up, got all the forms filled in, was ready to start ... and then began having misgivings.

It was a complete unknown. The thought of it actually terrified me. I realised that although it was being offered to me for free, it was something that I didn't actually want to do at all.

I pulled out, and I've never regretted that decision*

But, Holly:

  • this makeover isn't a complete unknown.
  • you've had a makeover before, at the same place ... and you ENJOYED IT SO MUCH that you signed up for more of the same.
  • deep down (or perhaps even shallow down) you KNOW that this is something you really want to do. Carpe Diem! (seize the fish)
  • you look absolutely stunning in your photos from the previous makeover 🙂
  • you KNOW that Tracey has the most wonderful reputation. When I was selecting a venue for my first makeover, this July, it was that reputation that swayed me.

You've got this, Holly!

Ellie x

* While the pupils were diving, I snorkelled ... and I had the most wonderful time!


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It's normal to have jitters the first few times you go out and interact with the world.  It wasn't easy for me either. 

My first time out was much like yours.  I paid a substantial amount of money for a makeover.  My first makeover.  I needed to see the girl that had been hiding all those years.  I really had no idea what to expect other than I knew I would look different.

The gal that owns the studio works exclusively with CDs and trans women.  Gina is her name.  She's quite good.  Gina quickly put me at ease and went to work.  Ninety minutes later, my life changed forever.  For the first time, I was seeing ME!  The real me.  I knew right then that this girl was OUT!

My second time out, I went to meet a gal I befriended on CDH.  I had to drive 100 miles to Palm Springs.  The thought of turning around crossed my mind several times.  But I knew I'd hate myself if I did that.  When I arrived, another round of jitters hit.  I had to force myself out of my car.  To meet another CD for the first time. 

Jennifer was really nice.  We chatted, had coffee, went shopping, and had dinner.  By the end of our day, I felt really good about myself.  I was sad that it had to end.

I started going to Palm Springs every chance I got.  Sure, it was scary the first few times.  But every single time I went out, nothing bad happened.  I began to realize I was my own worst enemy.  As the saying goes, the only thing I had to fear was fear itself.

Holly, I've been doing this a long time.  It really does get easier.  I don't think twice about going out now.  Nobody cares.  People treat me like I'm just another gal living her life.  You can do this.

I've seen your photos.  You look GOOD!  Tracey is amazingly talented.  And her studio is such a welcoming place.  There's no good reason to not go.

In fact, I want to pay Tracey a visit myself.  And with any luck I will in a few months.  I have a few good reasons to go that far....  Tracey is one of them.



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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

@emilyalt Only just noticed this bit but... "Ninety minutes later, my life changed forever.  For the first time, I was seeing ME!  The real me."  it would be impossible to be more accurate!  You go for it girl - you will LOVE the Tracey experience! Holly XXX

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Thanks Holly!  I agree.  It's nearly a sure thing I'll be paying Tracey a visit later this year.  Total glam is such a treat!


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I'll be emailing Tracey this weekend about a few bits and bobs 🙂

Want me to enquire about availability this autumn?

Ellie x

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Yes please!


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Reputable Member     Blearmill, Texas, United States of America
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I’ve never had a photo shoot, but I have been out in public routinely for the past 14 years.   Approach it the same way.   Accept the nervousness as you would stage fright.   It will get better, you’ll relax and enjoy the experience.   Let the photographer do her magic and guide you along the way!

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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Go for it and have an awesome time. 


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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@hottestwitch I certainly understand your feelings.  I have experienced similar things which has led to frustration for me.   At some point in time, I just learned to push through the fear (most of which was totally unfounded..) and experience the things that have become so important to me.   I know it's easier said than done but hitting that tipping point was huge for me as a woman.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Hey Holly, you only live once. Go for it hun. Let your MUA artist guide you on outfits/looks. I was terrified going to my first makeover but was completely chilled at the second, a couple of weeks ago. I'm still waiting for the pics, but I rather think I made a mistake in having too many ideas of my own which I'm not sure worked so well. Anyway I'll share the pics and you ladies can tell me what you think. These people are are professionals. They do this all day every day, so just relax and revel in immersing yourself in your girly side. Go for it girl!

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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Perhaps you are nervous because you were nervous before so got nervous thinking about the previous nervousness, if that makes sense.

You look fine in the pictures and the outfits were lovely. perhaps this time go for more everyday outfits as a balance to the last. Of course the nerves could be that you will want to have more time as Holly after another raft of reaffirming pictures reveal a good looking lady.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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Posted by: @ellyd22

Carpe Diem! (seize the fish)

I think the teacher didn't do her homework. It would mean closer to daily fish, or fish by the day, or fish for each day. Sieze the fish would be carpe carpe.

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"I don't think you even recognize the sound of your voiceWhen its blasting through the speakers in the skyAnd if your words add up to nothingThen you're making a choice to sing a coverWhen we need a battle cry

Be afraid, be very afraidDo it anyway, do it anyway"

- Jason Isbell 'Be Afraid'

Posts: 1461
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Holly, you can do this 🙂  You don't even have to go outside Tracey's studio if you don't want to, and she's already seen last time the very body you'll bring in with you, so nothing to worry about there. 

I'm with Ellie in that while having Tracey create a character or a much younger you is absolutely fine, that's what she did last time.  Why not trust her perception and let her bring out the inner girl that she sees in you tomorrow?  I think it will enhance your feminine life to be able to see your own natural inner beauty on the outside 🙂  Have a lovely time honey *hugs*

Fiona xxx

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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All you ladies are so lovely and supportive; I AM going to do it - even though the terror seems to be increasing by the minute.  Looking at all the replies, I think the idea really is just to let Tracey decide what I should wear and what sort of style I should be adopting; after all, not only does she know what she's doing, but also my own fashion sense is pretty appalling.  Now, I need a long, hot bath, a shave and a decent nights sleep - though the latter may prove to be a little difficult!  I'll post some piccies as soon as possible - if I don't manage to crack the camera lens......  Holly XXX 

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@hottestwitch That's excellent news Holly, you won't regret sticking with the plan and I hope you have a lovely time tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you 🙂

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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@finallyfiona It was AWESOME!!!  Go for it yourself - you'll LOVE it!  Holly XXX

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I am giving advice from the closet, however l am not ready to walk out yet, however when l was younger l went to a swimming pool and went to the 10ft end. I wanted to jump in but l was nervous never having done it before. I decided that l had to jump in. I jumped in and all went well. I guess we get to a point where we feel we must, when it's over we are glad we took the leap and take pride in it. I know considering l am still in the closet l do seem l little Hippocratic however in time l will take the leap myself 

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(@Anonymous 95874)
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Hi Holly,

YOLO! Let it all go! 

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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It is normal to be nervous for a photo shoot, after all you are exposung ypurself in a very intimate way to a relative stranger. My wife did a boudoir shoot awhe back and was super nervous as well. Once she got start though she had the time of her life. Have a glass, or two at the most, to relax and just let your photographer direct things from there. A professional knows what they are doing and will coax the best out of you.

As for looks, that is entirely up to you. Personally I like a classic well groomed look, think black dress and stockings which can be elegant at any age. There is nothing wrong with doing a cocktail dress if that is your desire, but it is harder for many of us with less then perfect bodies to pull off. My gavorite is a least one lingerie look with a black sheer robe to hide the imperfectiins yet show off the lingerie underneath.

Most of all, just have fun.


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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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I went - and Tracey did a (predictably) SUPERB job: my first new picture has now been submitted - I'm going to write an article about the experience, but, believe me, this was the biggest thrill any girl could ever have!!!  WATCH THIS SPACE!!!   Holly XXX

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1461

@hottestwitch Fantastic Holly, I'm so pleased that you went ahead ... as indeed you obviously are too! 🙂 
I must book a makeover myself, seeing the joy in what you and Chrissie have written about your experiences, and the results of course, is really tempting me now!

Fiona xxx

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Very well done Holly for overcoming those nerves. I went for my second makeover a couple of weeks ago. Fabulous isn't it? Looking forward to seeing some gorgeous pics xx.

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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@chrisfp99 First piccie already posted - some more will be in the next couple of days, but "gorgeous"?  Sorry - wrong model.  Fabulous isn't the right word - it was just so much better than that; the buzz you get is so fantastic - and the photographer (Tracey on my occasion) doesn't just make you look good - she finds the real you.  Wait for the next couple of piccies... and I may just have to uprate my membership so I can post more!  Love you:  Holly XXX

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@hottestwitch Wow Holly that was some picture!  Can't wait for the next instalment, you look amazing my dear 🙂

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Hiya Fiona:  more piccies will be coming shortly - but it's all down to the fantastic photographer rather than the sub-standard model!  I just hope that the next sets to come out show me as Tracey made me look and not as I usually am!  Love you:  Holly XXX

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