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So every year I buy my wife and I panties for Christmas. This year I had purchased 3 pair of VS Brazilian cut panties for myself plus some others. The 3 Brazilian style didn’t cover very well in the front. Wearing them was a bit annoying. I was always adjusting myself. The other day my wife noticed and asked me why do you keep doing that. So I told her that the panties didn’t fit right and I was thinking of getting rid of them. Her first response was “No you are not. They are too expensive to get rid of.” So she suggested that I try them on backwards. I hadn’t really thought of that. So I went to our room and switched how I was wearing them. With the narrow back now being in the front they fit. They didn’t only fit they fit perfectly. I couldn’t believe how well they fit and how great they looked on backwards. I went out and told her I loved the fit and asked her how did you know to do that? She says “Honey Ive been wearing panties my whole life.” I thanked her for the advice and we both went about our day.
I've been wearing a gaff and back to front control panties to "tuck" as long as I can remember.
I mostly buy "high cut" briefs as they seem to always have a wide enough gusset to "contain me".
Tho the last time I had an enfemme bra fitting and the store did not have my size in the matching panties, I went one size smaller than usual and Voila!!!
No "fallout".
I have a wide assortment of panties, some more comfortable than others. The ones I really love are lace women’s thongs that are designed for men. The front has a pocket to hold our junk. I never have to adjust and nothings usually falls out.
Interesting. I will have to test this with some that just don't normally work.
I will have to look for some pocket undies/gaffs, too. I have something similar in male underwear, but the pocket goes up, not back.
I remember, many years ago, Steve Coogan being interviewed about his 'Pauline Calf' character - a very glamorous young lady who wore short tight skirts - and the question arose about his 'boy bits'. He said that he wore women's panties back-to-front.
Apart from the Lily Savage wig, he used to make a pretty good 'girl' 🙂
I have been wearing panties my whole life also, so I too know that some styles are better on men backwards. I love that she is so helpful to you.