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Wife had great idea about panties.

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(@Anonymous 94264)
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So every year I buy my wife and I panties for Christmas. This year I had purchased 3 pair of VS Brazilian cut panties for myself plus some others. The 3 Brazilian style didn’t cover very well in the front. Wearing them was a bit annoying. I was always adjusting myself. The other day my wife noticed and asked me why do you keep doing that. So I told her that the panties didn’t fit right and I was thinking of getting rid of them. Her first response was “No you are not. They are too expensive to get rid of.” So she suggested that I try them on backwards. I hadn’t really thought of that. So I went to our room and switched how I was wearing them. With the narrow back now being in the front they fit. They didn’t only fit they fit perfectly. I couldn’t believe how well they fit and how great they looked on backwards. I went out and told her I loved the fit and asked her how did you know to do that? She says “Honey Ive been wearing panties my whole life.” I thanked her for the advice and we both went about our day. 

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4015

@chellycd I went digging for an appropriate pantie for me to test wearing backwards. One that I actually hadn't worn before was just about the shape of a thong. It has a plastic clasp on each side, probably for some fun with the right person.

Not bad! The material is some sort of maybe nylon (not stretchy) tight mesh, but it still stayed snuggly in place. Comfortable and practical.

Thanks for the tip, Chelly. Thank your wife for me, too, please. This opens up wearing more of what is already in my underwear drawer more often.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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I've been wearing a gaff and back to front control panties to "tuck" as long as I can remember.

I mostly buy "high cut" briefs as they seem to always have a wide enough gusset to "contain me".

Tho the last time I had an enfemme bra fitting and the store did not have my size in the matching panties, I went one size smaller than usual and Voila!!!

No "fallout".



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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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I have a wide assortment of panties, some more comfortable than others. The ones I really love are lace women’s thongs that are designed for men.  The front has a pocket to hold our junk. I never have to adjust and nothings usually falls out. 


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Honorable Member     jutland, Denmark
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Some panties have a cotton gusset which are not sewn and fastened in the front end and when I use these I just store most of my junk under the gusset, works very well.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Interesting. I will have to test this with some that just don't normally work.

I will have to look for some pocket undies/gaffs, too. I have something similar in male underwear, but the pocket goes up, not back.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I remember, many years ago, Steve Coogan being interviewed about his 'Pauline Calf' character - a very glamorous young lady who wore short tight skirts - and the question arose about his 'boy bits'. He said that he wore women's panties back-to-front.

Apart from the Lily Savage wig, he used to make a pretty good 'girl' 🙂

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Prominent Member     Oregon, United States of America
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I have been wearing panties my whole life also, so I too know that some styles are better on men backwards. I love that she is so helpful to you.


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