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wife has said something i cant explain

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi girls. its not often i'm stuck for words and this came totally out of the blue. my wife told me that me dressing as a woman makes her feel less of a woman??? now I feel bad for her, bad for myself, unattractive, unwanted and worse questioning the whole thing. I thought she was ok with it but obviously she is not. where do I go from here? I am totally at a loss. never once has anyone told me I am pretty, so why does she feel this way?

yours, completely bewildered, fiona xx

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Estimable Member     Boston, MA, United States of America
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My only guess is that it is just like someone who is married telling their wife that they are gay and want a divorce. Now it's not exactly the same thing, but the wife then feels rejected and not womanly enough. I hope that helps!

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi Victoria. yes its a plausible explanation and I can clearly see the reasoning now. the big question is now how to deal with it...….

fiona xx

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Estimable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
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Very difficult situation, Fiona. I would say you both need to talk it out, preferably with a qualified professional. Most of us gurlz don't understand the urge to wear women's clothing. We can't expect wives and SOs to grasp it intuitively. Now that these words have been spoken, they will have to be dealt with, or they will undermine your marriage. I wish the best for you, sweetheart.

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You will have to talk to her as we can only guess how she is feeling.

If you dress ultra-feminine or sexy then perhaps she thinks that is the way you expect her to dress, and if she doesn't she feels inadequate.

If you have become over obsessed with dressing then she may feel rejected or left out.  Dressing can be a selfish thing to do.

You are in effect trying to bring a new woman into your lives, potentially a replacement for her.

She is important to you, so put her first for a while.

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Fiona moss,When my head started to fill up with girly thoughts i was terrified,I was 22 years old we had our first home and a we baby girl .I did Karate i had my motor bike my fishing and my shooting and in between that we fitted in every spare hour we  had trying to make our lives better.Can you imagine what that poor wife of mine  had to process in a tearful  probably 5 minute statement in front of the fire. I had realised i had a problem. I then off loaded my problem on to her shoulders and she in turn told her mum. Her mum told her to leave me but she said NO.I had no girly clothes ,no makeup,no shoes ,no wigs and absolutely no idea where the hell i was going next. Let's move the story on 4 decades with hard work from all aspects of our lives we now have a lovely we cottage out in the country and we are now carers for my wife 's mum let's rephrase that' our mum and continuing to build our lives.I said to my wife  many many  years ago  that their was two lady's in my life I will make that three, and i am one of them.It may help to allow your'e wife to read this and it may help her to understand that we have had no choice in this matter .It is just a minor genetic irregularity that unfortunately cannot be fixed until  we die. ( I did not choose to be a crossdresser) Py.x

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Fiona , your'e wife is the proper female and we are the impersonators. She needs some serious and sustained TLC .I have no gay, tendencies.But  to get married and 1 or 2 years later find out i had a serious problem with my identity,yes it is so difficult .Please take it  a little at a time . Py. x

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi girls, just a quick follow up from yesterdays events and even more baffling...…. I kid you not, this morning my wife bought me a pretty pink cup to drink from and a make up set containing lipstick. she was in no way having a go and I didn't prompt her, she did it automatically. she seems more positive today, especially as I told her I love her no matter what I wear and do. I think she just wants to see more of her 'man' rather than me being obsessed with being a woman most of the time. I fully understand it from her point of view but it makes it hard to enjoy what I do without becoming very selfish and alienated. I guess girls, we are going to have to come to some type of amicable compromise here....

love fiona xx

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I'm sorry if I haven't thoroughly read all the responses however, I always wondered about this and my SO.

This is going to sound narcissistic too however, I always wondered if she was some what put out because I can wear things she cannot.  I'm taller, and of course have a different build all together.  When we are out she will see something that I think is great, and will comment how nice it but because her body style, it would never fit.  (It would fit me!)

There maybe a little of this at play (in my situation) but not much.  Just a thought that occurs to me from time to time.

Lately I'm more curious and baffled about what my SO IS NOT saying.  She seems to be fine with my mode of dressing, Was "out" again last night shopping around and she never said a word.

Go figure.

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Thanks for sharing. I am a GG. I think some of us GGs struggle a bit as we see our SO all dressed up and compare ourselves to how beautiful you look when dressed. Sometimes we feel,  hey I am supposed to be the girl.  It is a slow process as we are  on this journey together. I think communication is key in working together. I hope this helps a little.



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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
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Hi Fiona,

I think Victoria is on the right track. Your wife may be wondering what SHE did to drive you in this direction. Talking to her and explaining how you feel and letting her know that she is no way "at fault" may certainly help.

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Hi.  Could it be that you’re wife is feeling jealous of the woman inside of you?  Your wife maybe feeing secondary or even inferior to Fiona.  This may all be you’re wife’s cry out for attention and need to feel that she is important in you’re life.     Z


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