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Pretty much made it through today. One of the many things I never realized before. At least for me, looks like a part of this journey is going to be dieting. 5'8" and down to 170 from about 225 over the last 2 years. It has not been steady, there was almost a 1 year break. Sugar is my devil. Crossdressing has been my savior.
Congratulations Jamie, that is a great accomplishment. Dieting is definitely hard, but the results will prove your diligence.
Good for you Jamie
The things we endure to make ourselves look good lol. Yes sugar is one of the white devils. They made it somewhat easier for me to give up by telling me I was diabetic. I wasn't overweight at 6' 204lb but had other symptoms. Having to put diet cola with my whiskey seemed like a major sin but hey, its working out for my desired figure....and my health.
i have battled my weight all of my adult life. Today with an exercise program and diet control i am down to 190 but still need to loose another 15 pounds. It’s a never ending struggle and especially with male hormones
Are we talking kilos or pounds? 😉
Seriously, that's a fantastic achievement. You're way ahead of me in the weight loss race.
I've got about 15 to 20 kilos left to go on my journey. Thankfully, I can lose weight quite quickly. Unfortunately, I can put it on even quicker!!! Changing my food choices has been key...and reducing the alcohol intake. I guess it's about mindset and I was in an unhealthy one when I was gaining weight. I knew I was eating the wrong things but I wasn't fussed. Now, I feel much better with the food choices I'm making and feel a lot healthier as a result.
Hang in there girl, you'll reach your goal and be able to celebrate with a salad and a glass of soda water xxx
P.s. I know what you mean about crossdressing being your saviour. I do find it an extra incentive to imagine fitting in to the slinkiest of dresses 🙂 xxx
When i was still practicing medicine we learned never to talk about “dieting” but about changing food choices because all diets have an end and if you return to old eating habits the weight comes right back.
i agree crossdressing really helps with motivation though.
Thank you for your support. My concerns for my self image have never been stronger than since I first acknowledged that I wanted a more feminine appearance. This includes not just weight but also personal grooming and finally wardrobe.
I have had many of those ah ha moments over the years and while not desperately searching for the roots of my crossdressing, one of those realizations was that from very early on I wanted to be attractive to men so I would dress up. I was too young to even comprehend that men could be attracted to anything but a girl. To this day, the only times I dress in private is when I am trying on clothes.
When I cannot dress for any extended time, say over a week or two, I find my diet becomes harder to stick to. I try to work around those times with more intensive attention to other aspects, hair, nails and skin without attracting too much attention from my wife. I am in one of those extended times right now.
Changing a lifestyle is never easy and like others have said and best way to look at this is as Healthy Life Choices. Congratulations for your choice/decision to change and follow through as it's not easy. Proper eating and exercise should be in everyone's lifestyle especially as we age.
Good luck to you and others who have made a great choice or are thinking about it.
Agree, diets do end when they are singular in purpose. I have tried to actually slow my weight loss a few times to give my body time to catch up.
My gain was pretty steady and constant over the last 20 years, I guess 3-4 lbs a year. So, hopefully once I am in a range I am happy with, seems there should not be too much adjustment to how I was eating before to keep those few pounds a year from catching back up to me.
I know I have hopes and dreams about how I might look, but those unrealistic body images I may have are just that, unrealistic. Since weight loss is one of the few things I can do in my current situation to do what I feel enhances my appearance, will I ever be ok with it.
Precisely Bobbi! Unless you change what and how you eat for the rest of your life, you will not keep the weight off. i changed my approach to food. My training for backpacking helped but my desire to be able to step out as Bobbie and not be a figure of ridicule and disgust, to be able to wear sexy clothes, drives me to keep loosing and stick with my changes
There are healthy diets, & there are unhealthy diets. If you’re eating nothing but Twinkies, fried foods, chips, while slugging down sugary drinks, your health will suffer.
I can usually do better than these although here in the Carolina's I do see some restaurants offering deep fried twinkies. Just never sounded like something I would want to spend money on. I like to watch Chopped, and your list could be a chopped challenge basket.