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Wish you could see the painting

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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

When I lived with my parents, my mother had this large painting of me and my sister hanging on the living room wall. I was three and my sister was two at the time the picture was taking and then made into a painting. What was so interesting about the painting was our hair. Most of my life my hair and my sister's hair has been light brown, though my sister eventually colored her hair blond. Our hair in the painting was pure platinum white with those big curls. My mother would always tell me the story of what happened to my platinum white hair. My mother loved the hair on me so much that she wouldn't have it cut. Eventually, it grew to shoulder length. When ever my mother and father would take me and my sister out, say to the store, women would always approach my parents and say: What lovely little girls you have. My father didn't take to kindly to that. One day my father took me out someplace and guess what happened? A women complemented him on lovely little girl he had. That was the last straw for my father. He had me down to the barber shop and, zip, all my platinum white hair was on the floor. He had my hair cut right down to my scalp. Of course, he knew he was going to be in big trouble with my mother. In hopes to ease my mother's anger, he collected one of my locks of platinum white hair and gave it to her. Not sure if it did ease her anger. Till this day, she still has my lock of platinum white hair in a little wax bags. Amazingly, that lock of hair is still platinum white and shaped like a capital J. In a way, I think I would like to go back to being a platinum white. Now if I can Just have to find the right wing. 🙂

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Edie you and I share a story. I too had snow white blonde hair in curls and people used to tell my mother what a beautiful girl. Mom had enough and took me to the barber shop, passed me through the door to the barber, because a lady didn't go into a barber shop and off came my golden locks. Man what I wouldn't do for a head of hair like that today. now I keep most of my hair in my hairbrush. lol


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