Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi everyone!
Happy Christmas Eve Eve 🙂
I want to firstly wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and love into the New Year.
It’s my first CDH Xmas, and also my first being aware of hubby's crossdressing. It’s been super-exciting shopping for the new lady in my life. I thought that off the back of the HUGE amount I have gained from being a member here (including perhaps it saving our marriage) I'd share a short message about my experience of being on the site as a 'significant other'.
I’ve gained so much love and acceptance from everyone. At times when I’ve struggled with aspects of Victoria's dressing, or when things just don’t seem to make sense, I’ve been able to seek advice from my new friends on CDH. We all sometimes need people other than our significant other to talk things through with. Many of us may feel lonely. If we can’t speak to our everyday friends and family about our worries and concerns, then they fester.
Being here, I have gained a huge amount of friends who understand. They've helped me to love and to be supportive, and that in turn has given me and hubby / Victoria a solid foundation on which to build.
Some of you may not be aware that there is a private area of CDH for wives and significant others. While of course we are free to join in with the rest of the site, we also have our own private chat group and forum. These are places in which we are able to gain support from one another.
I have recently been appointed as Crossdresser Heaven's SO Ambassador. I'd love other wives and SOs to sign up here so that they - and hopefully, in turn, you - can reap the same rewards as Victoria and I have.
An added bonus - wives and SOs get free upgraded membership!!
If your wife or SO is interested, then all they have to do is sign up in the usual way and select 'Significant Other' in the 'Relationship to TG person' dropdown.
There is usually not a day that I don’t check for new members. When I see that an SO has joined I send them a private welcome message asking if they would like to be added to the SO group and upgraded. If they do, then one of our managers will arrange this. Then they are free to browse and chat as they like.
If your wife or SO joins and you want to prompt me to reach out to them then feel free to message me ... or get them to send me a message.
I'm happy to answer any further questions via private message or in this thread, and hope to be able to able to greet some more lovely new members soon!
Laura xx
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Laura!
Thank you for all that you do for us here on CDH!
Merry Christmas!!
Hi again Laura and thank you for taking the reins of this group of wonderful women here as our Wife's and Significant others to help them to learn and understand us girls here on CDH.. You as a wife to a girl that's part of your life and mine as well you have reached out to her and she has mentioned she has chatted with you .. Thank you for the reach out to all the Wife's and hope more will show up to join the wonderful ladies here .. Thanks again ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Laura, I am sure the Significant Others will benefit hugely from your support and input and I am also sure you will do very well in your new role. Having a place for the SO's away from the main forum is a great thing and allows you to help and support each other in probably the best way possible, away from the main forum. I am sure I am not alone in appreciating the input that the SO's can also offer the mainstream members and it is always lovely to have their opinions on some of the posts. All of us on CDH must always remember the SO's need as much support and friendship as the CD's themselves, if not more, the fact that they are here is a good thing, lets hope we can all help and support each other in the coming years....x
Hi Laura
Just to say thank you for this article and that I think it is so wonderful what you are doing in promoting the site out to the SO's out there that support us / put up with us / don't yet know about us....
We spoke recently on the Chat area, and you suggesting I point my wife towards the CDH site and the SO area - it is certainly something I'd like her to look at, so I will do that, next time we have a "check in" - I think if she knew more and could see that there are hundreds of CD's just like me, it may help her come to terms with things, and may allay some fears and answer some questions... The reverse is also true, she may have more questions for me as a result, but I'm hoping that I will be able to answer them honestly and openly.
Keep up being such an advocate and loving SO of your partner.
Jen x