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I just watched a video on youtube called Queens at Heart (1967) from the UCLA film & television archive. It's almost unbelievable how attitudes have changed over the last 57 years.
I guess the interviewer on this would have probably been seen as forward thinking at the time, as he doesn't appear to be at all judgemental but the questions being put to the "contestants" are utterly outrageous by today's standards. It does make me grateful that I didn't have to deal with the 1967 view on trans / CD lifestyle & I have nothing but respect for those who fought through such times to make life easier for those of us who are living it today.
I can't say that this is an easy watch if I'm honest but having sat through it, it certainly makes me appreciate where we have got to currently.
As a historical document I would recommend it but be prepared to be shocked!
I have seen that and it has to be seen in context of the times. At least it was aired.
I just watch it all of them were passable women
Yes calling them homosexual but that was term in the 1960
I found it instresting
There's a lot going on there. The biggest takeaway for me is how gender, sexuality and gentelia were all conflated giving transgender an extremely narrow definition. It made me sad to see them say that they wouldn't really be women until they got SRS. They were all passable and attractive by the standards of that time regardless of whether they had surgery or not. Sadly, a lot of the undercurrents visible here are still carried over and are a big part of the prejudice against people like us.
We have come a long way baby. These girls are the bravest people amongst us.