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My choice of name is Rebecca but my wife thinks it too formal and too long so we agreed on Becca. Now I have an email address I use for cross dressing matters and I have had to use Bekka Baxter as Becca Baxter was taken. It has rather started to annoy me a little, as I like things to be 'right' and I'm thinking of changing the spelling of my name to Bekka to match the email address, but then Becca is a normal spelling that no one will get wrong, plus I'm quite used to it. Do you think I should change the spelling? Might it be a bit pretentious and does that matter? What do you think?
There are only two options in the poll as there is literally only one choice, Becca or Bekka.
Your votes are important to me and I shall absolutely abide by the majority decision.
The poll is up for only a few days.
Hi Be__a,
What ever you like. It's hard to get a new email that doesn't include numbers these days, so you've already done alright. I've accepted that you can't always get what you want, sometimes you have to take what you can.
Your post did however distract me to try to get an email for emmatturner - guess what? Already taken ! But I have come up with an acceptable variation which doesn't use numbers.
So now emma related email will have a new home, and doesn't have to share with my 'junk' email.
I feel better for that 😉
Keep the spelling and try a few different mail providers, hopefully you find one that the original spelling is open.
In your shoes, I'd be keeping Becca and trying either @kimdl94 or @paulapantyhose suggestions. Unless you feel like you want to change your name, of course, in which case, go for it 🙂
I'm with Fiona on this one. From one Rebecca to another, I rather like Becca. Personally I would not be keen on Bekka.
I am beginning to think the freaky spelling may be a little too young and funky for someone of my advancing years.
I think you should just go with the way you are now, I don't think it really matters in the long run as long as you can login with your present email address, how you call yourself online is the only thing that matters, we all know you as Becca,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
(ponders calling you Bex just to confuse matters further) 🤔
Hi Becca.
I'm glad you kept the original form. These problems often occur with email addresses. I had to invent another surname because mine was already taken with my initials in Gmail. So it stuck. Anyway, I am known by my usual names: Gisela Claudine, not by my surename.
keep it at Becca and not get known as a spelling error....
You closed the poll rather quickly so I couldn't vote, but I was for keeping things the way they are. Your login here wouldn't change, just the display name so there would still be a conflict. The email is likely a drop-down selection or choice anyway so who really cares what it says: just pick the one you want. You only get the occasional email from the service provider with some updates or new features which might spell your name wrong.