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…fat tire? (Pint? Half?)
…pink gin?
Do you drink ‘differently’ out en femme.
Pray tell. 💚
No. because I don't drink alcohol and now that I'm 70 I don't go out much, mainly because my wife is 78 and is showing her age as well as myself.
Back in my Navy days, I was a beer drinker, sometimes Scrumpy. Later in life I started on while wine, the red did something weird to my insides LOL. Then I began making wine at home, I did that for many years. Then, on the day of the Queens funeral, I toasted her memory one too many times, fell heavily on a piece of furniture at home, suspected that I had broken ribs, but thankfully xrays proved that I didn't. I haven't had a drop since and mainly drink water or a cuppa tea now.
I prefer to drink margaritas when I'm out as a woman.
I am a fan of red wine, especially Bordoaeux style, but do also drink a bit of craft beer. I rarely drink hard liquior, buy do enjoy old single malt scotch. I am noy a gin drinker, but I have to admit I did enjoy G&Ts while watch the sunset whirn we were in Africa.
Tea. The greatest drink on planet Earth. Good old Assam or English Breakfast. Made in a tea pot and allowed to brew. The tea pot in our house rarely goes cold!
If talking alcohol...
Ice cold vodka, neat. The only way is should be drank.
Proper real ale, a couple of degrees below ambient temperature.
If I'm drinking alcohol then yes I drink differently.
No mug of beer, it's a nice Vodka Collins. No boilermaker, it's a glass of sherry.
Ladies don't pound them down, we sip and look coquettish.
I am with Cerys regarding tea. I rarely drink alcohol but enjoy a nice G&T on the odd occasion.
Proper real ale for me preferable a nice traditional bitter or stout but I am also partial to a nice pint of real cider or proper German or Belgian lager on a warm day.
Can't spend much time in this thread as for decades, I suppose I was what they call a 'control alcoholic' or a 'functioning alcoholic' as not a day went by when I didn't have a drink of some description (although I rarely got drunk); probably from age sixteen or thereabouts. Then, as I've said on other threads, a chance blood test told me my liver enzymes were elevated and it didn't take much of a search on the internet to see which ones and why they would be. Two weeks later, on the day of my birthday, I gave up drinking alcohol altogether and not a drop has passed my lips for two and a half years.
Having said that, and just for a bit of nostalgia, I will tell you that in my drinking days I would take anything apart from whisky (disgusting stuff) but my favourites were South American red wine, heavy stouts like Guinness and porter, with cider on hot summer days, and for shorts, mostly vodka, tequila and the occasional dark rum.
I can't say if my en femme drinking habits would be different since I didn't start cross-dressing until after I'd given up alcohol—a substitute perhaps? Ah well, could have picked a more unhealthy one, I suppose.
I think the confidence I lost when I when I stopped drinking alcohol has come back as the new-found confidence I get when I am dressed as Becca, so every cloud...
Either persona I drink beer, bourbon or sweet wine!
Richard Leakey, yes, the son of that famous Leakey, once gave a lecture on anthropology to a bunch of Americans by starting off, "First off tea is not something you drink from a styrafoam cup." He then went only to explain all about tea crockery and its many types, then drew it all together by smashing it and leaving a few random pieces in tthe dirt. This, he explain, is what modern anthropologist face. I learned a lot about anthropology, but even more about tea.
As for vodka, if you have to drink it ice cold itt is provably bad vodka. Good vodka should be drank at room temp. Just like beer, good beer iis good at cellar temp, but bad beer needs to be drank cold, the colder the better.
As for anything neat, some prefer it, but I like my scottch with a splash. It brings out the taste and reduces the burn, which hides the taste. I was quite please when ttasting scotches in Inverness that flifghts were served with water and a dropper.
Cold refreshing bud light for me dressed or not dressed
Valentina a great topic and Tipple. Now there's a term I haven't heard for many years. The last person I remember saying that was my grandmother.
I do drink differently depending on if I'm in female or male mode not that I drink often or a lot. Male mode I generally drink bourbon with coke. When I'm female however it has to have bubbles. I really enjoy a decent champagne or prosecco.
Hi Ladies,
Think I may have put my Two bottle capsules" worth on this thread before.
BEER. Heinken zero
WINE Good high quality, (only) Australian red or white wine from premium areas such as Coonawarra, Clare or Mc Laren Vale in South Oz. Mostly reds from these areas, except for Clare Rieslings (Outstanding)
Margaret River in the West for lovely reds and whites, mostly Cabernet for red. Chardonnay. Semillon and Verdelho for whites
Victorian reds, Heathcote and Bendigo Tahhbilk central Vic Shiraz and Cabernet,
NSW Hunter Valley. Shiraz Semillon and Chardonnay.
Been a keen purchaser, cellar collector and consumer for over 50 years and yes, when in Caty mode enjoy them all. But with emphasis on good whites. eg Margaret River Chardonnay when out having a "femme" dinner.