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I am curious as to what types of topics that many of you like the best. I think with me it is first time stories or relaying how dressing affects your personal relationships for the positive or negative. What topics do you enjoy the best?
While I do enjoy first times stories, too, because they are like watching when a butterfly first spreads its wings, I also look for how-tos.
Maureen -
So many options to choose from. I think for me I like all of the posts on the forums. It takes a lot to put yourself out there to others, even if it is anonymous. To be able to read of others journey's and get advice is very helpful in assisting others in their journey. The polls are fun as well, you get to see that what you do isn't as strange as you think.
Yes it is always lovely to read about the success stories that have been inspired by the fantastic support and advice from others which reflects the ethos of CDH.
I appreciate it when girls here peel off from only cross dressing stories and give glimpses into some of the other parts of their lives, their points of view on things, etc. You know, discussions. Not everyone agreeing and being on the same page on everything. I like reading posts where I get a sense that honest opinion is shining through and not just “go along to get along” postings.
And of course, well-written personal anecdotes are always interesting to read. As Angela said above, success stories are great, but also gigantic fails and flameouts are just as fun too. And by the time you’re sharing them on CDH, hopefully time has turned them into funny stories for you.
I'm like you, I really enjoy reading how people were "caught" or their very first time discovering that pair of panties, pantyhose, or what have you that got them hooked onto CDing.
I also like to read about people's tips on their fave stores, how they improved their makeup/appearance/looks, as these benefit everyone.
Favorites are the accounts where a girl includes her feelings when she's gone out for the first time. The awakening that happens. The connection I feel to her, she's special to me. I think Ann of Green Gables calls them "bosom friends". When a lady describes her feelings, I'm always deeply touched, and from the heart I feel a woman-to-woman bond.
I like to hear about the first time going out , it reminds me off my first outing , also about going shopping , what shops are friendly and which are not.
I like hearing first time out it is on my list for next year to venture out in public. Also success stories it's giving me the courage to want to venture out.
The topic I enjoy most concerns how ladies describe their feelings and emotions upon truly accepted themselves as trans women. It makes a significant difference in someone's life after they come to that realization. I like reading the stories about the feelings of peace and comfort those ladies feel.
I truly enjoy reading about the adventures of stepping out of the closet probably due to I’m still in the closet so reading them truly inspires my thoughts and feelings that I need to shut up and step out one day brings a lot of comfort and inspiration and encouragement thank you lady’s 😊
Girls coming out to their wives.