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Come the fateful day, as come it surely must, hopefully not just yet, and your casket is open for us to pay our last respects, what would your final choice of attire be?
[And Mesdames Ambassadors, apologies, this may not be the best slot for such an Q where life is certainly not ‘going on’, but I couldn’t see any better place?]
My finest dress, shoes, jewelry, hair with lovely makeup - What else!
Hopefully I will go out of thus world the way I came in, naked. I will be dead, so I won't though and my remains van be dealt wuth as others see fit. I hope the choose something eco-friendly, though.
Hello Valentina, Yes, I have made arrangements for my funeral. I have left instructions for the clothes that I will wear in my coffin. I will be wearing a white lace dress with white stockings/bra /knickers & heels. love Helenmarie