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Your first under dressing / Another memory bubbles up...

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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My first underdressing at work....
It's funny. Most people who know me have asked me "how do you remember that ?". I've got a good memory for most things......
But in my last month at CDH I have remembered things that I believe I repressed simply because I needed to, to continue being the manly man my life required of me.
As of a few minutes ago..... a new memory.... Not really new, just too far below the surface to find.
25 years ago. A very cold winter. Working in a combinaton of outdoors and unheated indoors on a coastline.
Having my first wife get me pantyhose to wear as a fourth layer. Yes I cited Joe Namath. I was already wearing jeans, sweats and long johns. Plus men's underwear so really a fifth layer on my but.
They felt wonderful.... when I wasn't too numb from the cold to feel them.
Let's hear about you first underdressing experience or a CD memory you forgot about until joining CDH.

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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My very first car crash, I was wearing a swimsuit under my blue jeans and t-shirt. My body came out in one piece...can't say the same for my emotions. I was about 26 at the time and a lot of anger went towards this 18 year old who supposedly just got his driver's license.

He forced me to t-bone him when he ran the stop sign on his small street that intersected the highway I was on. His mother showed up and tried to get me to feel sympathy because "This is his first car wreck."

She was immediately silenced when I said "This is MY first car wreck."

I was lucky that I did not get messed up like my car did. I try to be a little extra cautious when I am outside my home with a swimsuit under my clothes to avoid any type of interaction with other people. Unfortunately, that extra caution did not change the fact that these types of scenarios can happen at any time. Fortunately, the police determined him to be 100% at fault so I didn't lose any money from that mess.

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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Hi Autumn

This topic makes me feel somewhat like TRS80 radio shack computer complete with slow RAM and glitchy DOS.

I can recall and in fact still have the bra I first underdressed with, but not the circumstances of the day. I do know that I progressed from that first day to almost every day very quickly. I clearly remember what I was wearing (drab) on the first date with my gf but no accurate details of the almost entire day we first discussed my crossdressing, other than it went very well.

Memories can be a weird and wonderous thing. Thankfully I always remember my sizes accurately and the proper name to use and respond to in either dressing mode lol.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Don't feel bad about owning a TRS 80. According to Wikipedia it was the best selling home computer at the time. In 1982 it outsold the apple II by 5 to 1. If I recall there was a huge price difference.
The first computer I purchased was an Atari 800 but for $50 more I could have bought a comadore 64. I cheaped out.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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As a NYC commuter... Car wrecks are a great fear of mine.
I rolled my very first car when I was 20. I walked away but the maroon leather jacket was tore up from all the broken glass. I was grateful because it protected me like armor.

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago the competitors lol

I never actually owned one, I worked there when they and the CoCo were introduced, learned to write basic on them. See...weird....those memories are still in there.

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Estimable Member     New York, United States of America
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Other than clomping around the house at 5 years old in my mother’s heels I never wore anything until I bought my first set of panties in late April early May. I always really wanted to but just never did.

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First thing that comes to mind was my freshman year of college. I wore panties and a bra to take my final on my last day of the semester. It wasn't a test I was concerned over but I was a nervous wreck. Trying to concentrate on the test and not if someone was looking at me. I had to walk from my dorm across campus to the class it seemed like an eternity both directions. It let to many more under dressing sessions and a tradition of wearing a bra and panties to take final exams. I know I did it at least once a semester.

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My first underdressing (unlike my first dress) was fairly recent - a bit over 2 years ago, when I walked past a ladies' tee at Walmart and couldn't pass it by.  They quickly became my standard outer and under garment; followed by womens' hose, then panties.  They have since replaced all of my guy stuff.  Bras are still a now and then thing, because I can't yet find one comfortable enough to wear all day.

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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love this post! yes, cdh has awaken many, many forgotten experiences.

when i was young, maybe around 14 or 15...on some summer nights, when i was restless and couldn't sleep...i would put on pantyhose and go outside late at night, when everyone else was asleep.

i would stand on the street corner in town and while terrified, hope and pray i would meet a man who would pick me up LOL.

once, i stepped away from the corner and back into shadows just moments before a police car came along. ooops! that could have been awkward!!!

nothing ever actually happened and i never met any men this way.  i would always go back home sorely disappointed, terrified, confused, and thrilled 🙂

i had long forgotten that until joining this group.  thanks!! a strange, but fun memory!


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Estimable Member     Mantua Township, New Jersey, United States of America
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A pair of purple tights I filched from my moms dresser after I had outgrown the orange Danskins she'd given me. I only wore them under my clothes because I knew I was taking them without permission. I wonder how things might have bern different for me if I'd have just been honest.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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I've worn pantyhose and pumps since I was 4. My first under dressing experience in public was wearing pantyhose with guy shorts and guy outfit. I was so nervous when I got close to people but it turned out to be a total non event.


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