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I was just wondering how you all find ways to zip up your dress at the back?
My SO has no problems reaching the middle of her back to pass the zip from one hand to the other. I however with my arms just cannot do it, so I have a lenght of boot lace with a small hook attached to it. I have not found a zip yet the hook will not fit, but if so a small paperclip can be used too. Once pulled up all is good, I have only ever lost the hook once when in a dress. Scary to find you cannot unzip but quite nice too feeling you cannot take it off.
Elaine, Amazon have plenty of helpful gadgets. Just search 'dress zipper puller'. It would be completely impossible for me to slip into a nice dress without some help 😂.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
When I was younger I could not do the zippers. Over the years however, I have managed to become more limber after continually trying. Now I can easily do the zipper as well as put on my bra with ease.
Thanks for the tips. Frankly I just avoid zippers.
I stopped wearing dresses eons ago for that very reason, I too cannot zip up the back zipper.
I find it cumbersome as I have to ask my wife to help me zip/unzip. I do have one dress in which the fabric is very stretchy, so doing up the back zip isn't a big deal. On the other hand, if the fabric has zero stretch, it is not going to be easy.
The ones I do have in my wardrobe they are loose enough that I can just pop it over my head despite being back zippered.
Side note, I'm also into zentais which has a back zip so that has helped me practice zipping up back zippers.
I attached a bobby pin through the little hole in the zipper tab and it usually provides just enough length to pass the zipper between hands and help me get in and out of dresses. I will be checking out the online gadgets that Chrissie described above, as I know my system is flawed…
I'm still zipping by hand at 66 and have a very nice selection of back zip dresses. Some of the body-con styles are a little more challenging but with a little squirming and twisting it always works.
I totally get the issue though and with tricks to help you should not let this deter a decision to wear or buy another.
I'm lucky in having relatively skinny arms, so I can reach that awkward zip zone fairly easily. Though I do recall one dress which caused me some anxiety.
I normally take a UK12, but for some reason I struggled my way into a rather tight size 8 sleeveless bodycon minidress which belonged to my daughter. I somehow got the zip completely fastened, and checked my reflection in the mirror.
The dress looked horrendous on me, so I decided to take it straight off. Unfortunately I couldn't quite get hold of the zip, either from over my shoulder or from up my back. So, using some contortions which would have impressed Harry Houdini, I worked my arms out of the armholes and through the neck, then started pulling the dress upwards.
After about 10 minutes of frantic tugging I stood exhausted, the dress now totally covering my head so that I couldn't see. One or two stitches may have popped in the process. My aching arms were pinned together by the neck of the dress above my head. I was well and truly stuck, and shaking with fright. To make matters worse, my unsupportive wife was due home any minute.
Cutting my way out was not an option. My daughter's minidress had to come off in one piece. Besides, I doubted I could find a pair of scissors anyway, blinded as I was by the garment.
I finally managed to painfully bend one arm and reach the zip, working it downwards with my trembling fingertips. All at once the dress mercifully loosened. I took it off, sighed in relief, and hung it back up.
As Chrissy said, I have purchased two helpers from Amazon.. a ribbon style one with a hook, and a pearl strand one with a clasp. Some dresses, I can reach behind and get the zipper half way up, then reach over my shoulder and pull it there rest of the way.
Always enjoy the feeling when my dress is first zipped up. Kind of like the finishing touch of lipstick for me.
Easy - just dislocate your shoulder! 😀
I have been in this situation twice - my GF zipped me in, but was asleep when it was time to unzip. In the first case I had to lean my elbow against the wall to just barely be able to reach the zipper. In the second instance Plan B above failed, so I managed to squirm out of the outfit.
Having said that, the suggestion has been made to me to buy 99¢ worth of fishing line and just permanently affix it to the zipper. When not in use, just tuck it inside the dress. I have yet to acquire that fishing line lol
To avoid that problem, I will generally just pull the dress over my head without using the zipper on several of my dresses. As I rarely wear either makeup or a wig, pulling a dress over my head is not an issue. In the few time when I have worn makeup, I will usually do my makeup after donning the dress. That being said, I have asked my wife for assistance with the zipper as she does to me when the the zipper is required.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I’m quite lucky in that I’m still relatively flexible enough to, just about, zip them up, although it’s getting harder all the time.
Back in the day when I dressed about 3 times a year and didn’t have any of my own clothes, I used to sometimes wear clothes that my wife wouldn’t be wearing anytime soon, and with dresses it was because they were now too small for her.
There was a clue there, they were TOO small for my wife who is smaller than me.
One night while she was away, I got one of her dresses on, but gave up after a lot of painful effort with the zip. Getting it off however, was even harder.
I was quite frustrated by this time and I may have been a little too forceful trying to remove it, but it didn’t go well. At one point I was lying on the floor in tears with both arms stuck above my head unable to move with the rather expensive dress covering my face. I was so constricted I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
To this day I don’t know how it came off, I think I very nearly dislocated a shoulder in the process. After that I gave up for the evening and went to watch TV.
I don’t think I dressed for months after that
Even with the struggles we encounter, there is something nice about the feeling of “being put into a dress” that the zipper back provides…I enjoy it immensely!
I'm totally untested in this situation as I don't have any back-zippered dresses - yet! I've stayed away from them since I recognised the effort involved in getting out of my more form-fitting non-zippered ones. Now that @chrisfp99 has enlightened me about assistance gadgets, that definitely expands the range of possibilities for future dresses though. Thanks hon!
I know exactly what all you ladies are saying about the difficulties of back zips on dresses. But I must say there is something very exciting about a dress tightening up around you as you zip it up. I guess I am one of the lucky ladies as I can manage pulling up the zips by myself…but for those rare dresses that prove difficult, I ask my wife to zip me up….and that is a simply wonderful feeling! Two girls helping each other look our best.