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Hello Girls.
I am Octavia. I have been actively dressing for six months. I have been feminine all of my life. I really need to come out to my wife. I think that she already knows but I have never talked to her about it. I love her so much and don’t want her to hurt. Can any of you give me advice that will help.
Thank you. I just deleted a three page essay to you. You don’t need my life story. She does. She knows most of it we got together in high school.
Hi Octavia, it's good you want to come out to your wife - I 100% believe honesty is the best policy.
Try to be reassuring, and not overwhelm her as well, don't rush upstairs to fully dress and make an entrance and just take it slowly.
If you have a feeling she already knows then she may be waiting for you to open up to her.
I always recommend the boom Living with Crossdressing - defining a new normal by Savannah Haulk for BOTH sides to read as it is very enlightening.
Try not to get upset or annoyed if she asks are you gay / do you want to transition / are you leaving me - these are knee jerk responses and her mind will be going at 100mph so slowly does it, don't rush.
Hello Octavia!
I agree with the great advice that both Eileen and Mandy have given you. If you already talked with your wife I hope it went well! If you have yet to have the conversation, I would add that you may want to tell her you are willing to be an open book and answer any questions she may have, no matter how embarrassing. This helped in my situation. Remember, while you have been dealing with your cross dressing for a long time, it is a lot for a SO to process once they find out. And one last thing, suggest to her that you are willing to discuss boundaries. Give her time to process everything and when she is ready to talk ask her if setting rules/boundaries would help her come to terms with the CD'ing. They don't have to be set in stone, and can evolve over time, but it is a good place to start. Hope this helps, good luck 🙂