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I think that would be the best place to be. We could talk to you directly, many of us would love to see you girls in chat.
Hi Hippie, chat where?
I was thinking about the chat rooms. Then I started thinking, “Hey the chatroom might be too uncomfortable for some of you” So I guess I answered my own question.
Ah I see what you mean now. Not my cup of tea, personally. Not so much uncomfortable but I will gain nothing from them and I don't have anything to offer either. The other ladies might have a different opinion though, that is just mine.
Yeah, I get what your saying and understand what your saying
Cath, this was not meant for you. Some how I posted this reply on your reply instead of the person it is meant for.
Oh, I know. It can be a mad house there. During this time of the day. It gets crazy in there. Some how my wife Venus is able to keep up in there.
Here is my tip for chat. When its super busy, find a topic you know stuff about and hang on.
Or pop in during non peak hrs. 99% of the time. They wont even know you are GG. My wife started posting in the forums and thats when some caught on she was born female.
Well it does get easier the more times you go, so. Food for thought
Oh yeah, thanks for trying out the chatroom at least.
Chat rooms move to quick for me tbh, its bad enough trying to keep up with a group WhatsApp chat I'm in with 6 people!!
And also, I just don't have the time tbh, during the day I'm working or babysitting our grandson and in the evenings I'm knackered and just want to chill, watch TV, usually doze on the sofa and yes, that's when I generally look at CDH but in a lazy not hyper focused way if that makes sense.
It’s not uncomfortable for me. I’ve just never felt like I have anything of importance to add or anything for myself to gain. I think it’s a great place for the girls to talk amongst others & find acceptance. It’s a great resource ❤️
Well one day you'll meet my wife in chat. She goes by the name Venus. She does mostly chat.