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Good morning ladies,
I need a little help please. I will start out by saying that I have been shaving my legs for the 6 months or so. At first no problems but now it I am getting a lot of ingrown hairs mostly on my thighs. I have tired exfoliating, pulling the offending hais out but they just keep coming back. I could really use some Good advice.
Thank you, Lizzy
Hi Lizzie make sure you are moisturising you legs daily it does help
Hi Eleanor,
I have tired that but it seemed to make thing worse, but I guess there is no harm in trying some more right.
Thank you, Lizzy
Sometimes I find in the summer I get some ingrowns more than any other time of year. But how often are you shaving? And changing out your razor blade often enough? I find making sure your exfoliate but using a microfiber body cloth or body scrub can help as well.
Hi Lizzy,
You are not alone. I get the same problem in the same place. I use both epilation and shaving, and moisturize and exfoliate as well, but still get a few pesky ingrowing hairs at the top of my legs. They seem to be a stubborn breed of hair. The solution? No idea at the moment, but if anyone has a good way of removing the ones that do appear I'd like to hear of it.
I've all but conquered this problem with my legs. Let me tell you how.
First you need a good quality razor. I use Harry's from Walmart. Don't shave everyday wait at least 2 to 3 days in between.
When you shower, make sure the water is as hot as you can stand, this opens your pores. Exfoliate pretty good where your going to shave.
A lot of people say don't go against the grain but I do because it's a closer shave and so I don't have to shave as often.
I use a gel shaving cream. I think it works better. Also sensitive skin women's usually but not always.
I think the most important part is after you shave, turn the water as cold as you can to cool down your skin. This closes your pores. I do it till I can feel my skin is cool.
I do this with my thighs and chest and it works better than anything else I've tried
I work in a welding shop and I've noticed that the heat will irritate my skin if I have loose clothing on while I'm sweating.
Hope this helps
Thank you Nikki,
O will have to give your tips a try. It has gotten better but, I still have them but not as bad.
I have found if I just keep shaving often, the ingrown hairs eventually go away.
If it’s a area that gets sweaty try dabbing (don’t rub) some deodorant, the white stick kind, on the area. I’ve found it helps a lot in the nether regions for reducing the in-grown hairs. Might work on the thighs as well. I don’t know if you do bath or shower, but I always get more when I shower then when I bathe. Just a thought.
No solution but I’m finding a similar problem: shaving to create a reasonable looking ‘triangle’ downstairs is causing an irritated area between belly button and lady garden. I’m also of the opinion that ongoing sharing will overcome the irritation but as it’s only been 2-3 weeks since doing this, there’s more time to go.
Hi Bobbie,
I have tried Nair but got a burn from it, so I kinda have to use a razor.
I found that once i started laser no more in grown's and now after six sessions no more hair
When I was intimate with a cis woman, she noticed that my shaving around my "triangle" didn't have those red bumps and she wanted to know if I did something to help with that. So it happens to everyone, not just us gurls!
My secret is to use hair conditioner as my shaving cream. I hate canned shaving gel because it dries my skin out something fierce. It usually has alcohol, so it stings, too. After using regular shaving gel, I have to slather on moisturizer, which leaves my skin feeling sticky. Yuck.
I like to shave in the bath, so I get my legs wet, apply the hair conditioner, shave, rinse. When I get out and dry off, my skin is smooth, soft, and no red bumps.
I don't know if this affects ingrown hairs, but I highly recommend hair conditioner instead of shaving cream.
I did this on my chest for 5 sessions and I loved it, although I still have some hair and it's growing darker again. I think I'm just gonna buy one for the home. Soooo much cheaper!