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Which do you put on first, suspenders or panties?
Are you likely to ever want to go to the loo? If so, the answer is obvious 😀
Suspenders and only from the loo point of view. If your panties are under the belt, when you sit down, the straps won’t be held against your torso and will “lift” the front of your dress/skirt in a sort of diagonal line making them rather obvious! Mind you, I suppose the same thing might happen whilst wearing French knickers! Gill
Have to say it don't think most GG wear suspenders these days pantyhose but.., not stockings and if they do its usually holdups. And like most GG's cannot wait to get pantyhose off
GG here...
When I hear the word suspenders, I think of the kind men mainly wear to hold up their pants. Not that common these days.
I like to wear my panties over my garter belts, so that when I need to go to the bathroom, I can easily push my panties well out of the way. Hahaha. Sorry for being a bit graphic.
But it's interesting in most lingerie ads you see the panties under the garter belts. It does look better that way, just not as real life functional.
My personal preference is to put my panties on first and then suspenders I just much prefer the look of the suspenders over the top of my panties .