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*** Aside from walking, I would like to know about other gestures and movements *
Body movements are perhaps an under appreciated aspect of blending in. What traits of behavior signal masculinity? I’d like some list of activities (i.e. drinking, walking, gesturing) that male crossdressers do in a way that can be in a masculine way if they don’t modify into feminine.
A couple of times on Youtube, there would be a first time viewer reaction to the movie, Return of the Jedi. There’s a moment when Leia, disguised as presumably a male, walks towards a wall. A couple of times, reactors have guessed that it’s Leia because of her walk. It’s moments like this that I am wondering about. I want to move in the public space with women under the impression that it’s a woman they are seeing.
The most obvious in my mind is the hip sway in a walk.
What are movement-based telltale signs of masculinity?
Thanks 🙂
I've suddenly started to walk with the catwalk walk!
Brilliant topic!!!
Gait, the stride of our steps when we walk, tend to be longer as men and more deliberate. When I'm dressed, especially in heels, I try to take shorter steps and have an image in my mind of trying to float like a ballerina, soft, sensual.
Arms when walking, long swinging, are very guy like. Instead, I go for elbow bent, wrist bent down, maybe just one arm, feminine-ish. As a kid growing up, boys would call any boy whose wrist was spotted as bent down even for a second as "gay"...those dumb boys. I embrace that pose.
Shoulders ahead of chest and a slight stoop forward.
Elbows away from body and back of hands facing forward.
Loosely clenched fists, legs apart when walking
These are a few of those masculine things........
I have read, and noticed, that men take up space. Watch a man sitting on a couch. His arms extended across the back of the couch and his legs spread. I try to work on my body language to be for feminine without over doing it. I once saw a Youtube video on how to walk like a woman. I may search for that again.
Men stomp, and sway. Look at Youtube videos of gorillas walking on two legs and you'll see it. Look at the back end of cows and horses -- men walk like horses, women walk like cows; really, when seen from behind, they do.
I try to walk en femme with my right hand usually on my handbag (for security reasons if nothing else) and my left arm is slightly bent, my hand is cocked outwards a little and I tend to try to splay my fingers somewhat to avoid curling the fingers and therefore tending towards making a fist -- again, something that male gorillas seem to do (probably because they often walk supporting themselves with knuckles dragging on the ground, bit like some men!!)
Hi girls,
Good points so far, other things I noticed through the years: Guys usually slouch when standing, feet spread apart and hands in their pockets. Girls stand straight, and as the model instructors say, "shoulders back and tits up." Girls also stand with their knees together, their feet placed so the heel of one foot is touching the other foot and angled forward at a 40 degree to the other. Guys often have their chins down, girls usually hold their chins up. Girls usually walk with their elbows close to their body, wrists facing forward and hands not making a fist, they swing their arms from the elbows, as has been pointed out, guys walk more like gorillas. Guys "manspread" when sitting, girls usually sit with their knees close together, legs crossed at the knee or across the ankles, and hands in their laps.
Ms. Lauren M,
So many wonderful insights. Do men curl up differently when we sleep?
Girls seem to move differently in sports, but I can't quite figure out how.
What about our necks and eyes when looking at something? I feel like women look carefully, embracing, not just quickly.
One thing I have started doing is softening my walk. Being over 6’ I have a wide stride. I have learned to shorten my stride and not walk as heavy. My wife has told me not to walk the cat walk. No one really walks that way unless they want to be seen.
Easy on the makeup, dress appropriately for your age and not too young. Don’t over use accessories, don’t wear rows upon rows of necklaces! My wife says to keep my shoulder back and chest out. I know that know when I put my bra on it’s the first thing I do. Then when exiting the bedroom door after getting dressed I make sure I’m all set.
A few other things that might help.
I really don’t like wigs and have since allowed my hair to grow down past my shoulders ( took a year, but well worth it). My wife enjoys styling my hair as well.
Another item to be aware of are your nails. Trim and clean. Short nails might not look pretty, so if you can find false nails that fit use those. Also light color nail polish is better than darker. You want to blend in, try not to draw attention to yourself.
Very Important!
Almost every man has this tell and they don’t even notice.
Just take your watch off. Now look it how pale the skin is where it sits. Your manly watch and watch band leaves a huge tell when removed. Can’t tell you how often this shows up on photos.
You will need to find away to cover this up. You can use makeup to cover, if it matches your skin tone. Another is use of a number of bracelets, if appropriate. Longer sleeves is an inexpensive way to help, but make sure the sleeves don’t ride up. other area are tan markings on your upper arms and back of your neck as well.
I believe the rest would be obvious, Beard shadows, nose and ear hairs, eyebrows, mannerisms (think soft) and of course your voice.
hope this help your check list!