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Telltale Signs of Masculine Movement

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Estimable Member     Syracuse, New York, United States of America
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*** Aside from walking, I would like to know about other gestures and movements *

Body movements are perhaps an under appreciated aspect of blending in. What traits of behavior signal masculinity? I’d like some list of activities (i.e. drinking, walking, gesturing) that male crossdressers do in a way that can be in a masculine way if they don’t modify into feminine. 

A couple of times on Youtube, there would be a first time viewer reaction to the movie, Return of the Jedi. There’s a moment when Leia, disguised as presumably a male, walks towards a wall. A couple of times, reactors have guessed that it’s Leia because of her walk. It’s moments like this that I am wondering about. I want to move in the public space with women under the impression that it’s a woman they are seeing.

The most obvious in my mind is the hip sway in a walk. 


What are movement-based telltale signs of masculinity?


Thanks 🙂

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(@Anonymous 76954)
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@samantha1975 My wife says I walk a little different when dressed, she mentioned I may have a prance about me.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@samantha1975 The thing notice most, and concentrate on most when walking en femme is the arm swing.  But managing both arms at once feels weird!  It feels much more natural to have one hand over my cross-body bag and swing with the other.  I find I can sway my hips fairly easily if I just keep my feet close together as they pass each other.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@samantha1975 A person's gait will be one of the more obvious things even from a distance. With a 32" inseam, my stride is pretty long. However, especially when wearing heels, the only way to keep a long stride is to lean forward. Don't do that. If your back is vertical, you can't make long strides in heels easily, naturally.

I would also think that if you don't have long hair in drab mode that you wouldn't flip or control your long wig hair as naturally or as practiced as GGs, either.

I don't know yet how to make my flat butt move the same up and down the way GG can do it without thinking, but I am trying to practice a hip swivel (forward/back), to make up for it. Only a few women walk this way and it is very notably female only.

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 73

@samantha1975 Aside from walking, taking up space at the table. Legs spread, in an ownership of room way. Elbows on table, and gesturing with a knife or fork, or glass while talking, often with their mouth full. It's commanding space. A generalization, of course, but I think if you want to pass at a restaurant, or just feel more feminine at home, try to not make yourself larger, stay in your own space as much as possible, I am not saying women should have to, but they often do. Take smaller bites, so you don't talk with food in your mouth when it's time to respond. Legs closer together, and napkin on your lap, and use it to dab, and not wipe. When talking, women often put their hands on their lap and lean forward so they don't have to talk loudly, where most men talk as if they are experts on anything, and everyone should hear what they have to say. Again, it doesn't apply to everyone, but it seems to me that it's a general heuristic of "male" and "female" traits.

I don't dress in public, so I'm not saying this with that experience, but I do watch people and think about what sort of person they are by how they act and move, mostly out of my slight problem, I'd argue a healthy amount, with paranoia, but I do pay attention.

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Estimable Member     Syracuse, New York, United States of America
Posts: 97

@siobhann Thanks. That’s exactly like what I was curious for. Thank you.

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@samantha1975 Don't look directly at boobs, it is a stereo type for a reason. and I often notice women pick a spot on your face when listening, instead of hard eye contact. Eye contact comes with trust, and fondness for women, with sincerity, seems to me. American men, use eye contact to appear confident or even dominant, unless they're looking at your boobs, or shy, or just rude and thinking of a dude thing that doesn't involve feeling stuff. Engage with people with interest, and look at their face, and I think drab dudes should learn this, too, but I think that personable women just do this. I don't think women should just smile more, I hate that men say that, but I do notice that women look at your face, and not directly in the eyes, and try to listen, more often than men do. Again, fully generalizing, not all guys stare at boobs, but a lot do, and not that there are women that just let you talk while thinking about what they want to say, but women are seemingly better at listening to you, and engaging with you on something deeper than gas mileage and wood grain. We, as biological men, most of us, weren't often accepted if we were too into feel stuff in the heart spot. I'd advocate for practicing not hiding softer emotion, as well as dressing. Harder to do than make up, but part of it, in my opinion. Not saying make emotional decisions, but allowing ourselves to be more effusive. I feel female, but raised harshly as a male, this is hard for me, but I think it's worth trying for.

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Estimable Member     Midland, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 68

@siobhann I think you are right on the money when you say men in drab should listen and be aware person they are talkingto. Not a bad idea to practice some feminine traits like listening and respecting others while in drab.

Thank sweetheart. 

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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I have been watching how a lot of women present themselves. Observing hair, makeup, clothing ,footwear, how they walk, talk and everything feminine. It is my observation that OVER EXAGGERATION of anything could bring attention and out you. To much makeup, to much butt wiggle, 4 inch heals, to  revealing clothing,all these might out you. 

Do avoid the men's stride, masculine voice. You get the idea. 


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(@Anonymous 76954)
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I've suddenly started to walk with the catwalk walk! 

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Brilliant topic!!!

Gait, the stride of our steps when we walk, tend to be longer as men and more deliberate. When I'm dressed, especially in heels, I try to take shorter steps and have an image in my mind of trying to float like a ballerina, soft, sensual.

Arms when walking, long swinging, are very guy like.  Instead, I go for elbow bent, wrist bent down, maybe just one arm, feminine-ish. As a kid growing up, boys would call any boy whose wrist was spotted as bent down even for a second as "gay"...those dumb boys. I embrace that pose.


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(@Anonymous 76954)
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@lea-jhene It takes practice, but it’s so much fun! I love doing it in front of the mirror. It even helps with my posture.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Shoulders ahead of chest and a slight stoop forward.

Elbows away from body and back of hands facing forward.

Loosely clenched fists, legs apart when walking

These are a few of those masculine things........

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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7 years ago I had broken both heels; as part of rehab the physiotherapist was trying to get me to walk normally again. At the time I was very much in the closet, rarely out and about crossdressed, and was not making any attempt to walk in a more feminine way. So I was quietly stunned when the physio told me to stop walking like I was on the catwalk, placing one foot in front of the other !


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Noble Member     Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
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@ab123 I had to laugh… sounds like a song from ‘My Fair Lady’

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Posts: 3446

@harriet You spotted it, well done.....

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(@Anonymous 76954)
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I have read, and noticed, that men take up space. Watch a man sitting on a couch. His arms extended across the back of the couch and his legs spread. I try to work on my body language to be for feminine without over doing it. I once saw a Youtube video on how to walk like a woman. I may search for that again.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Men stomp, and sway. Look at Youtube videos of gorillas walking on two legs and you'll see it. Look at the back end of cows and horses -- men walk like horses, women walk like cows; really, when seen from behind, they do.


I try to walk en femme with my right hand usually on my handbag (for security reasons if nothing else) and my left arm is slightly bent, my hand is cocked outwards a little and I tend to try to splay my fingers somewhat to avoid curling the fingers and therefore tending towards making a fist -- again, something that male gorillas seem to do (probably because they often walk supporting themselves with knuckles dragging on the ground, bit like some men!!)

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Hi girls,

Good points so far, other things I noticed through the years: Guys usually slouch when standing, feet spread apart and hands in their pockets. Girls stand straight, and as the model instructors say, "shoulders back and tits up." Girls also stand with their knees together, their feet placed so the heel of one foot is touching the other foot and angled forward at a 40 degree to the other.  Guys often have their chins down, girls usually hold their chins up. Girls usually walk with their elbows close to their body, wrists facing forward and hands not making a fist, they swing their arms from the elbows, as has been pointed out, guys walk more like gorillas. Guys "manspread" when sitting, girls usually sit with their knees close together, legs crossed at the knee or across the ankles, and hands in their laps.


Ms. Lauren M,

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@reallylauren Similar to Lauren, but also more extensive.

My excercise teacher often tells us "Stomach in, chest proud." In addition, keep your neck up high. I sometimes describe it as standing at attention, then keeping your core that way, relax the arms and legs so they're not so stiff.

Also, keep your hands with the palms facing the side and forefingers forward. Men are more likely to stand with their palms facing back (taking up more space).

When men walk, they tend to put one foot in front of the other, then shift their weight to land on the forward foot. Women move more by pushing their pelvis forward, then before losing balance shift their foot forward. The pelvis keeps on a straight line instead of bouncing up and down. This is why women look like they glide. Again, this is easier to achieve with a strong core.

When you walk, keep your arms limp at your side, perhaps with a slight bend inwards at the wrist. Let the arms swing naturally as you walk.

If you keep your core tight as you walk, and walk close to (but not on or crossing over) the center line, you'll find your behind will move up and down as you walk. Try not to overcompensate and sway your hips. You want to walk, not strut. Crossing over the center line is what models do walking on the runway to get that extra sway, but women don't walk that way every day.

When you pass another woman, don't nod your head as a non-threatinging acknowledgement. That's a masculine behavior. Women will look at each other, give a quick smile to each other, and then continue on their way. If you see another woman smiling at you as you pass, it's probably not that she's clocked you, but that she is giving a non-verbal non-threating friendly gesture.

Assuming you can pull off a somewhat feminine voice, women tend to talk more with their hands, elongate vowels, speak clearer (less swallowing of words like "gonna" or look at yourself in the "mirrah"), and emphasize words by changing pitch as they talk. When not listening their hands are more likely to be at their sides by their waist (at the ready). If you're at a restaurant, try saying "I'll have ..." (a polite request) rather than "I want ..." (more of an order). Women may say "I want ...", but men are unlikely to say "I'll have ...."

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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So many wonderful insights. Do men curl up differently when we sleep?

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Estimable Member     Syracuse, New York, United States of America
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@lea-jhene Interesting question, since I love to curl up in bed en femme.

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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Girls seem to move  differently in sports, but I can't quite figure out how.

What about our necks and eyes when looking at something? I feel like women look carefully, embracing, not just quickly.

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Prominent Member     Gloucester, Virginia, United States of America
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One thing I have started doing is softening my walk.  Being over 6’ I have a wide stride. I have learned to shorten my stride and not walk as heavy. My wife has told me not to walk the cat walk. No one really walks that way unless they want to be seen.
Easy on the makeup, dress appropriately for your age and not too young. Don’t over use accessories, don’t wear rows upon rows of necklaces! My wife says to keep my shoulder back and chest out. I know that know when I put my bra on it’s the first thing I do. Then when exiting the bedroom door after getting dressed I make sure I’m all set.

A few other things that might help.

I really don’t like wigs and have since allowed my hair to grow down past my shoulders ( took a year, but well worth it). My wife enjoys styling my hair as well. 

Another item to be aware of are your nails. Trim and clean. Short nails might not look pretty, so if you can find false nails that fit use those. Also light color nail polish is better than darker. You want to blend in, try not to draw attention to yourself. 

Very Important!
Almost every man has this tell and they don’t even notice.
Just take your watch off. Now look it how pale the skin is where it sits. Your manly watch and watch band leaves a huge tell when removed. Can’t tell you how often this shows up on photos. 
You will need to find away to cover this up. You can use makeup to cover, if it matches your skin tone. Another is use of a number of bracelets, if appropriate. Longer sleeves is an inexpensive way to help, but make sure the sleeves don’t ride up. other area are tan markings on your upper arms and back of your neck as well. 
I believe the rest would be obvious, Beard shadows, nose and ear hairs, eyebrows, mannerisms (think soft) and of course your voice. 
hope this help your check list! 


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