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I think one of the things that has drawn me to being CD is that I've always wondered what life as a woman is like. what are some of the challenges you face? what are some of the perks? what do you think could be better? what does being a woman mean to you? these are some of the questions that I've wondered. looking forward to seeing all your answers.
Olivia, onnyountube gontonted talks and type in I’ve lived as a man and a woman. It’s an interesting segment that answers a lot of what you have just asked.
I'm thinking that I would possible not be doing what I do if I was a woman since being a technical computer person = you are (most of the time) male and if you are a women you are less smart or something like that. I'm a white male so I haven't been ignored the same way a female coworker was all the time. We where on a conferance call troubleshooting some issues, I'm there to learn about the computer systems that she is the expert and the Indian people keep asking me if what she said is correct. I kept answering that I don't know, she knows this systems and I'm here to learn from here so stop asking me.
While the movement to more equality is moving forward I think it's still a long way to go. With that said I wonder if I would have taken the path I took if I been women. I would love to say yes but in all honesty I can't say so. The only thing I know is that I wouldn't have my wife since we would never have meet the way we did if I wasn't male.
Interesting questions...
What are some of the challenges you face?
Wow, where can one begin..Soo many...Menstrual cycles, giving birth, being thought too slutty or too prude, too smart for a girl, too boyish or not girly enough, pretty enough or too pretty, too fat or too skinny, clothing size is frustrating, needing to wear bras, the list goes on and on.
What are some of the perks?
Having doors opened for you, given seats on a bus or train, being able to wear both dresses and pants, being told you look beautiful or pretty, getting hair colored and styled, wearing makeup or not, wearing nice feeling fabrics, and so much more...
What do you think could be better?
being more appreciative of having the women's right I have and try helping to increase those rights for women and all people's.
what does being a woman mean to you?
to be everything to everyone and knowing you'll never be able to do it.
I really appreciate it. and thanks for being candid, gwenn.
As for challenges I of course know of all what you listed but I'm thinking more about the society's view on women in general as an issue. It's sad that a woman have to work double as hard doing same thing as the male college just to be considered half as good and unfortunately I think it's way to much truth in that. It's sad that just because of your gender you are overlooked for some things. Now this can go both ways, a male nurse is apparently often assumed to be a doctor no matter what he does. Personally I commonly done the opposite, the first one who comes to me I assume is the doctor no matter gender and often it been a female nurse who states "no, I'm not a doctor - why would you think that?" (well, the last part is more in body language than word).
Other things is something I never as a white male even think of like walking a nearby dark path at night - something my wife say she would never dear to do (despite it only been one incident during the 25 years we lived here and that was in the light part of the path).
This is such a great question. I would agree with Qwenn’s response.
There are many challenges as a woman. I wonder are some of them different from challenges men face.
There is childbirth. I’m not sure there is another challenge or experience that comes close. The next one that comes to mind is the business world. It has gotten better for women but we still have a long way to go.
I love being a woman. I haven’t heard many complaints about getting your hair done, shopping for clothes or shoes and such.
I think my biggest challenge is what society expects of a woman. The way you are suppose to look, your size and there is no getting it right. I have learned I need to make me happy and not everyone else.
Kelly, I did list societal challenges. I purposely kept my answers short and listed a few of the things us girls/women face. Just because I didn't mention unfairness in the work force, doesn't mean it's not something I wouldn't have listed.
Please understand I really do not take offense, what I say next is only to make a point... I could have easily felt that you were disregarding what I said and thought you that were saying that what I said wasn't important enough and that I should have listed different challenges other than the ones I wrote. It invalidates what wrote. That is a challenge women do face, being invalidated. Again, I only said to make a point on how this fits into women's challenges.
Love, Gwenn
Some of the challenges us GG's face on CDH...Please do not hate me for this. This is just a couple of things I have sometimes noticed.
This is an adult site but we are called GG's Genetic Girls, I am not a girl and haven't been since I was 19. So I like to think of GG as Genetic Gal.
Some thinking we GG's couldn't possibly understand how to help with makeup, hair and clothing including bras. I agree that not all women are great at this but not all of us are inept.
Some thinking that GG's aren't as good at beautifying themselves (makeup, hair and clothing). Or consider some of us not feminine enough. When the reality is we also have the right to be who we are and express ourselves the way we'd like.
As human beings, let us not deminish or invalidate each other. Remember that this is a support site, for us all to grow and understand ourselves and each other.
Just a GG's perspective. No offense meant.
Love, Gwenn
Well said Gwenn 😀
I'm not upset. I see the problems too. despite all our desires on here to be feminine, were coming at it from a masculine perspective and all that brings with it. personally, I apologize for that. second, please speak out if you are offended. some people might not react well, but most of us on here are willing to listen. and personally, I'm here to learn. so I'm apologizing for all of us. in no way did we mean to actively diminishing you. please forgive our ignorance, and please, let us know how we can be better people in the future....
also, those who say those things about women, they are the most ignorant, the most scared, the most insecure. if I see that in chat, then I will try to back you up. also, maybe between all of us we can change the whole GG thing. sound like a plan?
I may be naive, but I don't imagine being a woman is much different than being a man in most terms. We all have our insecurities, personal growth stories, and private journeys.
The part I used to find challenging is the ideal of femininity we're supposed to strive towards, when every magazine has been populated with waif 14 year olds with no cellulite. Likely the same for men and men's magazines though. And now that I'm hitting menopause, the hormonal rage and weeping is making an unwelcome return. I'd have preferred to NOT have that..
Mostly I'm too old to care, and pretty happy with who I've turned out to be. But that's taken as much work as any male I know to be happy with themselves.
Thanks for understanding and for your support.