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I am a Lady member and have an allowance of only 5 public photos. I would like to add a couple of more recent photos, can I delete some of my old photos to make room for some new ones?
I have noticed that some other Lady members do have many more than 5 public photos, I am wondering how this happens?
Many thanks,
Hi Alison, I think that I managed to slip one extra past them before my allowance of five ran out. I never gave a thought about replacing old ones for new ones so I became a Duchess with an allowance of 1,000.
I also should also get an allowace of another 1,000 of private pictures, I say "should" because I only manged two, one of which disappeared straight away?
I know that this doesn't help but judging from your list of replies i don't think anyone else can either.
PS. Have a look at membership options, maybe Baroness??
Hi Sally. Thank you for answering my question. I have a feeling that the system for deleting then adding public photos is something that no one else has tried to use.
I have made a blog page that shows a selection of photos of me Alison Elliott, there was already someone else who has a blog page with the account name Alison Elliott so I opened an account with my full name Alison Chloe Elliott. I am pleased to say that there are five sections to my blog page.
1. Alison Elliott - with me wearing a selection of my favourite CD clothes and footwear.
2. Alison's wardrobe - photos of what you will find in my wardrobe along with much more.
3. Pride - Alison at the Croydon Pridefest event 2019.
4. 1990 Dress down day at the office for charity.
5. Parties for the elderly 1993 - 2005.
I enjoy every moment of being Alison.
On August 16th, it will be our 50th, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Wendy and I are going to London and staying in a top hotel for a long weekend, also seeing the Abba Stage Musical, Mamma Mia, this will be our third time of seeing this show, all those songs and costumes are just up our street !
Please have a look at my new blog page, I would love any comments.
I have a dream,
hugs and hugs xx
Alison Chloe Elliott
Alison, you can't be all bad if you like Abba, have a good summer in the city....Sally x