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Excluding "Lady" members from groups

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Posts: 794
Noble Member     Goldsboro North Carolina United States of America Lady
Topic starter

As an aside to the problems of being denied access to the few groups that I was a member of, I would like to know if my photo contributions to these groups over the last couple of years will be deleted. If not, I need access in order to remove them myself. I hope someone can let us know what is going on in CDH.

Posted : July 19, 2018 10:12 pm
Posts: 445
Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE Cambridgeshire United Kingdom Lady

My feeling on this, really is not entered around being denied access to certain groups. I can understand to a certain extent why the powers at be in CDH would like to charge a fee to allow this access as it makes a greater differential between 'free access' and 'paid access'. However, if a change is going to be made to the access a member is allowed, whether it be free or paid for, it would only be common decency to notify those affected in advance so they know what is going to happen and when. That would allow those, like  Michaela, to make a decision on the content they have added to any particular group, and if they were going to take up paid access or continue with a limited free access.

As it currently stands, I can not log out properly, the drop down menus still don't work and I often struggle to log in. So it would appear I am now being expected to pay for the access I had (on a very efficient site) on a site that currently is still not working properly.

I think it would be very helpful if CDH made an announcement so that everyone knows what is going on, the site management seems to have been strangely quiet on this issue.

I would like to say I like CDH, has helped me an enormous amount and I have met a lot of lovely ladies, I want this to continue, so please CDH resolve this situation so we can all remain in this great community.

Posted : July 20, 2018 12:17 am
Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake Ontario Canada Lady

I know that there is to be a separate new site for transgenders and both sites are going to run on same server. The logistics of this causes a lot of trouble trying to accomplish this. I am told that working out the bugs is leading to difficulties.........I think we will have to be patient while this is worked out. I am not certain, computers are worth much now as they are getting too complicated and the more bells and whistles...the more difficulty when trying to correct same.

Posted : July 20, 2018 7:35 am
Posts: 88
Estimable Member     San Antonio Texas United States of America Baroness

I upgraded my membership months ago not to gain any additional features but because I've received so much from this site I wanted to give something back. I'm sure many others feel the same way. I know it costs money to run a site like this and granted my $5/mo is not much but it adds up. I'm sure if CDH made an appeal, many members would upgrade or donate voluntarily to keep the site what it is.

Many of us came here lost and confused, full of self pity and hatred. CDH showed us we are not alone. We are not freaks. We are part of a loving, vibrant community. It may have even saved lives. All because we were accepted into the community with no restrictions. Anyone visiting CDH for the very first time will decide within days or even hours whether to stay or move on. And that decision will be based upon how much interaction they are allowed. When one by one priveliges are stripped away from free members the incentive to stick around is no longer there. So many will not find the help they so desparately need.  I hope this is as far as it goes. Once free members can no longer send and receive public and private messages, that will be the day CDH has lost sight of it's mission, and the day I will sadly say my goodbyes.

PS Next week several of us from our local group will be meeting in person. Some (myself included) will be going out en femme for the very first time. A big day for me which would not have happened without the Ladies in our group.



Posted : July 20, 2018 11:24 am
Posts: 1112
Noble Member     Panama Panama Panama Duchess Annual

I don't know what is happening.

Posted : July 20, 2018 12:11 pm
Posts: 62
Trusted Member     Needles California United States of America Managing Ambassador


Groups was opened up to all members for a promotional period to kick start group activity. Recently that promotion ended.

If you are interested in continuing using groups I can offer you a discount on a baroness membership for 5 dollars a month. If you are interested please private message me, Kayla or Maria. Well will respond with the code to upgrade your membership.


Thank you ladies,

CDH AMA Jasmine Marie

Posted : July 20, 2018 12:31 pm
Posts: 794
Noble Member     Goldsboro North Carolina United States of America Lady
Topic starter

Jasmine Marie, I wish I could be interested but at my age and limited income, as well as being in the closet as far as my family and friends are concerned, your offer is a non starter.

However, I would like to know how I can delete my photo contributions please, and don't ask me for the web address of them because they are in the groups to which I have no access anymore.

Posted : July 20, 2018 10:53 pm
Posts: 445
Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE Cambridgeshire United Kingdom Lady

I am puzzled, on July 18 Jasmine stated on a topic started by Andrea, "currently membership level must be Baroness or above to access groups, I will enquire about the change and will post as soon as I get the information". Yet we are now being told "groups was opened to all members to kick start group activity. Recently that promotion has ended".

At best this would appear to be not very efficient. This, in my opinion goes back to what I stated in an earlier post, CDH should have made an announcement on this point. I am not saying Jasmine was incorrect in saying the access "Lady" members had was on a promotional basis, I completely accept that may have been the case. Any organisation, must treat their supporters with respect, we are after all the lifeblood of CDH. Therefore it would seem to me that an announcement stating this 'promotional' offer was due to end and encouraging members to up-grade would have been appropriate. However it would seem the 'management' were 'not on the ball' on this occasion and chose to implement the withdrawal of the promotion, at the time of a not very efficient system upgrade (which is still not working) without informing the members.

We are all supporters of CDH, and I sincerely hope all current members will continue to support CDH irrespective of whether they have a unpaid or paid membership. Please CDH, you are a fantastic organisation , a simple official statement would put the record straight and show us all the way forward. Please do not destroy your grass roots support through poor communication.

With a heavy heart, love to you all.



Posted : July 22, 2018 6:19 am
Posts: 377
Reputable Member     Ft Lauderdale Florida United States of America Lady

Add me to the confused list.

My understanding was that there were two types of groups. "Public Groups" which were open to everybody regardless of subscription level and "Private Groups" which were only available to baroness or above. When did this change?

Posted : July 23, 2018 4:49 am
Posts: 4
New Member     Portland Oregon United States of America Lady

this explains why i was Getting a upgrade your account each time i attempted to view groups this is sad


Posted : July 23, 2018 5:22 am
Posts: 1112
Noble Member     Panama Panama Panama Duchess Annual

Thanks for the info. Since I will not have more access, I, with some regret, have left the groups in which I was enrolled.

I do not like it, but I understand the decision and I hope to stay in this place since all the girls have given me so much love and respect.

Unfortunately I have not been entering the place as often as I like it and I am used to it, so I had not noticed the changes until a couple of days ago.

Cinnamon kisses,


Posted : July 23, 2018 1:04 pm
Posts: 794
Noble Member     Goldsboro North Carolina United States of America Lady
Topic starter

I'd be interested to know how the "kickstart" to groups went. Did it work?

Posted : September 11, 2018 2:47 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I am just glad I landed here when I was such a wreck I was considering a terrible thing. When I can I will be a contributor to both sites but while moving into therapy and doctor visits our limited resources will not allow. Until then many grateful thanks for a free space to breathe in and bounce life's travails off others in the same situation. Bless you dear women
Besos mucho mis amores

Posted : September 11, 2018 6:14 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

This is a support site,not much support being left out of groups of friends I was enjoying.

Posted : September 11, 2018 6:32 am
Posts: 88
Estimable Member     San Antonio Texas United States of America Baroness

The kickstart to groups went very well. The groups are now filled with lady members who cannot access them. Most of the groups I've been following most often sit inactive for days, even weeks at a time.

Posted : September 11, 2018 11:46 am
Posts: 1264
Noble Member     GB Lady

Ditto Samantha, and I have noticed the section on ‘site wide activity ‘ has dwindled to a fraction of what it was. 😢

Posted : September 11, 2018 8:51 pm
Posts: 288
Reputable Member     United States of America Managing Ambassador


Only paid members are allowed to access groups.  Feel free to contact me for an upgrade to Baroness for $5 per month instead of $10.  Baroness members can access forums, access community, create and access groups, add friends, send private messages, group chat and upload 100 public photos and 100 private photos.


CDH Groups Manager


Posted : September 12, 2018 8:12 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I'd also like to be able to remove photos to whatever groups I was in.  I don't mind that premium content comes at a charge, but I'd like at least like to be able to control my own information (which I can't do unless I subscribe).

Posted : September 16, 2018 5:47 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Hello everyone.. As a recent subscriber, I missed out on the FREE ride. I suppose I understand where you are coming from but for ME this site has really changed my life and saved what's left of my sanity . Membership has its privelagives comes to mind . Offering memberships for $5 month to keep this awesome site going is quite reasonable I think. Skip ONE trip to that fast food place each month, and its paid for and a much healthier choice.  I'm on a very limited income as some of you are but it's worth every penny to me. I fully support CDH and hope more of you will too.   All my best.  Mikayla

Posted : September 16, 2018 9:16 pm
Posts: 88
Estimable Member     San Antonio Texas United States of America Baroness

Thank you Mikayla for your refreshing reminder of what a wonderful site this really is. Although we might get distracted by little problems, we must not lost sight of the big picture. Yeah I may bitch about things from time to time but I will never forget what CDH has done for all of us. Welcome, and thanks for helping me keep my priorities straight.


Posted : September 17, 2018 3:02 pm

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