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Is there a setting that I can change that show the topic replies from oldest to newest. I prefer to read the replies in order and for me it's annoying have to go to the last page and then scroll up to the start of a reply, scroll down to continue reading it, then scroll back up to get to the next reply and start all over. It's especially annoying on mobile and that's what I'm usually on.
<Bump> I, too, would like this setting - oldest to newest, scrolling down to read new replies. Is this possible?
There is no such setting. I do understand your frustrations. I too would like such a setting.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I have to admit it confuses me, especially when the topic ends up on multiple pages. On other forums I am used to clicking on a topic and being taken to the last page with the latest replies, but if I want to start at the beginning I go to page 1 and start reading down.
Glad to know that I'm not the only one. Maybe it's something that can be added in the future.
Looks like it has been added! 🙂
And today we are back to reverse order. I am now confused!
When you saw this setting, before it disappeared, where was it?
In a different forum I'm in, it's a global setting one can set, which wasn't easy to find but did solve the issue.
I looked around to see if there was an option to switch it on or off but couldn't find one. I suspect someone was having a test.