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I tried uploading a photo today & just get a blank page that says "Upload Photo". I chose the pic from my folder, check off the agreement & hit upload. The page then changes to the above mentioned white page. No confirmation of upload or anything. Any one anble to point me in the right direction. File is 68 kb if that matters.
That is all that happens so it has worked by the sound of it. Then you have to wait for one of the moderators to approve the photo and it will appear. Sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes a couple of days.
yes my answer is the same as jasmines. I uploaded a photo and all I got was a blank screen too. the photo has got to be approved first I think because a day or so later, the photo was on my profile page. 🙂
fiona xx
So now I have a bunch of duplicate photos to,lol.I was thinking they would have to be approved by a moderator also.I got the same results,blank page.My wall pic uploaded right away though.
I tried uploading several times and had the same problem. Didn't realize that I had to wait for a moderator to approve. Oops.
Is the photo upload working ok? I know they have to be approved and all. I assume there would be a lag because of the holidays. Just making sure I did it right.
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