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Hi wonderful support staff. First, I love this site!! Keep up the great job.
I saved a draft for a forum post. Where do I look to find it?
Hi Lea, I get interrupted a lot as I try to read and comment on things in CDH so I just copy what I've written and paste it in my computer notes (I'm on a MAC). Then later when I get back in I copy my from my notes and paste it in to CDH. This also helps me keep a quick copy of what I've said for future reference when I'm offline. That's just my method. I hope that is of some help. Marg
Hey Lea,
I'm not 100% sure but I think any draft replies will only be saved for your current login session. Meaning you will lose your drafts if you log off or your session expires. The best approach is @margprodue method of composing in a text editor and pasting into the reply form when you are ready.
Hope this helps.
Hi Marge,
Yes that's the method I use too - I've fallen foul of losing longer posts / PMs often enough!
I use computers or laptops to access the internet, I don't know how fiddly this technique would be on diddy little phones.
@emmat Emma, I only access CDH on my phone. I haven't figured out the notes function so I always compose my posts in an email to myself, then cut and paste when I'm happy with my message xx.