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So, I’ve had the desire to appear feminine for quite a long time now. I’m in college now, and am hoping to make my plan to dress and appear how I want come to life within the next year or two. I’m in a unique situation because I’m a non-binary, lesbian, but I’ve had the desire to appear outwardly feminine and identify as such. However, I want to do this by dressing in vintage clothing and having my hair done into a bouffant, as that’s how my femininity feels validated and true. I’d hope to have a day where I go to a salon to have my hair bleached, receive my first perm, have my hair teased into a large bouffant, and from then on appear as a lady of the 1960s, dressing only in modest clothes a woman from those days would’ve worn. The problem is, I’m very new to the idea of finding proper clothing, and especially finding proper hair stylists for this sort of a thing. Would anyone be able to offer me some advice on where I should start with this goal?
There are quite a few vintage clothing vendors on Etsy and E-bay. You can also check local vintage thrift shops for really nice retro clothing. A site called Unique Vintage has beautiful clothing by decades. As far as hair, try and find a salon where some older women work, they probably still know how to do bouffant do's and other period styling.
I would definitely check out Ebay, but perhaps depending on your size do a little googling for a local store. Amazon has some really nice stuff out there also.
May I suggest that you look for some vintage lingerie, panties, bullet bra, and a bodyshaper or girdle to conceal the bulge in your poodle skirt or dress.
One pipe check around for local resale shops.
good luck!