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I don't want to present myself as anything other than who and what I am, but it is fun to play around with software that softens the features, improves the makeup and all that. So I am wondering, are there any free tools that do a decent job? There are a lot that charge and the price is pretty high in many cases. What's free anymore?
That's a hard question to answer. Ever since my OS upgrade I lost my ability to use Photoshop along with the rest of my creative suite tools and I refuse to lease on a monthly basis from Adobe for software I once used. The enjoyment of using Photoshop to super impose my likeness on pics from online catalogs to see what I might look good in was marvelous! Now the only way I can get that back is to partition my hard drive and reinstall the software again. unfortunately I have important information and files I don't risk losing so I live with the agony of not being able to do what I loved to do. I've searched for answers to your question many times and haven't found anything. I hope you find an answer.
I've run my drab face and various Fiona looks through a free website.
CDH rules prevent me from posting a direct link here, but just type 'Swap Gender to See the Other You with AILab' into your search engine.
Some of the results based on Fiona were amazing! I think it works best if you've already made your features strong e.g. long blond wig, lipstick, mascara, otherwise it tends to put what styles it thinks is best on you.
I have used getimg.ai and leonardo.ai to make some image experiments, I uploaded real photos in getimg.ai and write text to modify the photo. For example, I took newer selfies and also older scanned photos and let the ai draw a femine version of my self. Sometimes the result was unrealistic, the surrounding (furnitures etc) was changed, sometimes the result was bizarre and funny, too many fingers, arms at strange places etc. I had a lot of fun, but I got much inspiration from these experiments.
Be careful ladies about uploading your guy face photos and then generating feminine AI images. It's fun, but once you upload or create anything, it's not exactly private. Some AI programs will share that with others because AI works on the principle that it needs lots of input data, example data, to generate better images.
I only ever run Anna's face through this kind of software. It's interesting to see the results of different hair colours, hair lengths, etc. Interestingly, the programme I use always identifies me a female when I load a photo up. Experimenting with it gives me ideas for makeup, accessories etc
I have a probably overly complex workflow for this stuff. This is how I do it:
(All of the below is for Android phones, using the free versions only of the apps. I do also use paid Lightroom, but that's not needed for any face-modding stuff.)
1. Take a photo of yourself. This bit is legitimately the hardest part. You'll want the face to be as clear as possible and at a mostly front-on angle.
2. Open that photo in Snapseed. This is a great free general-purpose photo-editing app. Do whatever edits you want to the photo (the portrait tool is quite good). But what we're really here for is the "expand" tool. This will let you add a white border around the whole photo - this will be important later. Add the largest border you can.
3. Now open your newly-expanded photo in Faceapp. The free version of this is limited, but the one feature we want (the "Gender" tool) is available for free. This will let you do an AI-powered gender swap on your face. Feel free to use any of the other free tools here while you're at it. Even if you've aced your real-world hair and makeup, Faceapp's gender tool will reshape features, add makeup, style hair, even sometimes create a new neckline.
When you go to save from Faceapp is where the white border comes into play. The free version of Faceapp puts a "Faceapp" watermark on the bottom of the photo, which you have to pay to remove. But if you've added the border from Step 2, the watermark should be entirely in the border and not cover your photo.
4. Once you're happy with your new face, we're going into a third app (I told you this was overly complex!). This one is Facetune - also freemium on Android. The free features here will let you do some of the AI makeup and hair effects (mostly in the preset "looks"), and things like reshaping the face or other body parts. This one also adds a watermark on the left-hand side of the photo - luckily our white border helps us with this one too.
5. Finally, open the Snapseeded-Faceapped-Facetuned Frankenstein's Monster of a photo in your favourite editor of choice (e.g. Google Photos or go back to Snapseed again, doesn't matter), and use a crop tool to remove the white border and take the watermarks along with it. Voila! Far-too-complicated (but free!) AI face editing.