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Arda wigs or other suggestions?

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Eminent Member     Appleton, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi all,


Looking for a blonde wig in the length somewhere close to collar/shoulder length. Somewhere between Heather from Silent Hill 3,



and Ani from True Detective Season 2


Would the Arda Magnum be a good wig for this, as far as quality and "passability" is concerned. I don't want to look like I'm wearing a costume wig.


In addition, I was contemplating a brown Magnum, and then dying the tips blonde. Would this work at all?



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Hi, Esther, I'm not familiar with that wig brand - but I'm fairly new to the CD scene, and have only purchased two wigs, to date. The first was from Jon Reneau (shipped from It was a basic cap, cost just over $100, and is decent quality, although it has less hair volume than I would like. The 2nd was from Paula Young; they have a huge variety, good prices, and the cost is surprisingly low. Don't be fooled by the price tag; the quality of those I saw was excellent, and Paula has been recommended by others on this site. Hope this helps.



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