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Back hair

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(@Anonymous 97364)
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Curious as to what you gals do for back hair?   Do you attend to it and if so how?

years ago my wife at the time naired my back and I had a reaction to it and it was painful.  

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
Posts: 248


Hello Stacie,

I guess I have to thank some of my native DNA, although I have hair in my legs and face, nothing extremely heavy, wish there was nothing to be honest. As far as the rest of my body, I can say there is really nothing except for a few hairs in the middle of my chest, if I were to count them, maybe 20😂 .


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Prominent Member     Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 769

@staciebobacie hi Stacie, any time I need to get rid of back hair I get it waxed. It’s not super painful and it lasts for up to 6 weeks. The cost for my back is $50. I only have it doe if I’m wearing low cut in the back dresses or tops or I’m wearing a bikini.

Trish ❤️

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Estimable Member     El Segundo, California, United States of America
Posts: 69

@staciebobacie I’m fortunate my wife will shave my back when I ask.  I usually have her do it about every three to four weeks.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3792

@staciebobacie I have a fair bit of back hair and, so far, I have managed it within reason.

I have used an IPL on my shoulders a few times and have also used cream hair remover and an epilator. Whatever I have done has slowed down the speed of growth, a bit.

For the rest of my back, I mostly use the epilator since my shoulders are very flexible. It helps to take a Tylenol (or other) first. I haven't asked my wife to do my back yet, since she would probably enjoy doing it too much. 😳

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Fortunately my back has the least hair on my body so it is not much of an issue. I remove what little there is by epilating what I can reach and shaving areas I can't reach. I do have my back waxed occasionally if I am going to be somewhere where I may be shirtless, like recent trips to tropical beaches.

So, you can have it waxed, (or lasered for permanant removal), shave with a long handled razor available online, or if you have a copperatice spouse, have her shave it. The problem with shaving is it does not last veey long.

I would wax it regularly if not for the expense. I already spend a bit on my legs and brows.

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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
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My wife says i have more hair on my back than king kong.   I don't do anything for it; so for Wendy's clothing I make sure there is nothing backless.

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(@Anonymous 97364)
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@wendyswift omg when I read this I laughed so hard.  Thanks for the minute.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have back hair, looks like wings actually; I don't do anything about it. My wife has offered to shave it for me but what is the point, I don't wear backless clothes, no one can see it. My shoulders are a bit of a bugbear though as the hair can grow quite long and I can't shave much of it because I can't reach. Again, my wife has offered but I just feel self-conscious [I cross dress though, so ffs, surely it's a bit late for that!]; I just make sure nothing I wear will show any male hair. When I can get to bits, I do, so I use a beard trimmer to shave down my arm hair to a miniscule length so it looks downy but without being obviously shaved; I shave my legs using a wet razor. I have to pay particular attention to my fingers, backs of my hands and my feet as the hair there grows as fast as my beard!

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Thankfully, I don't have any back hair, nor much chest hair. I do chest, underams, legs etc once or twice a week in the shower.

Posts: 184
Duchess Annual
Reputable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

I have back  hair that grows into my neckline and a few long ones that look n my upper arms passed my farmer’s tan. I use a manscape razor that has a bending arm and extension. With it I shave up to my shoulder blades and my upper arms around 3 times a week or the day I go in public. I have no intention to wear bare back outfits. This way, I am very comfortable with t shirts and very short sleeves or no sleeves. Women clothes including t shirts have lower back necks than men. Now I understand better during winter when my wife tells me she is cold around her neck. 

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Honorable Member     Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

I have a lot of back hair. A few summers back I saw a photo of me in our swimming pool and the hair looks even worse when it’s wet. My wife agreed and offered to shave it off. She uses an electric trimmer that cuts it very close. But we realized it’s was difficult to find where to stop. I looked funny stopping at my shoulders and arms so she just kept going, arms and chest. I had been shoving down below and my legs for several years before that so now I’m mostly hair free at least in the summer. My back gets trimmed every 4 or 5 weeks. I do everything else weekly.  
funny how things have changed. When was a young man it was manly and viral to be hairy. Now it just looks yucky!


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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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I couldn't reach to all over my back and see it good enough anyways. My tried a few laser treatments and It helped for the hair that was still dark in color. The rest of it I got waxed. I go in for a wax the week before I leave for a trip, which is about every 6 wks. The first 2 times stung pretty good. But it's gotten less painful each time since. Also, the hair seems to continuously get less and less. So, I started having my front done as well. It too now is less hair each time that I go. I think it only takes about 30 min to do both. Last for weeks each time too.   

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I understand your frustration and concerns.  I am quite conscious of my back hair, and is the primary reason for not wearing sleaveless or strappy tops including swimsuits.

I too am allergic to nair, and stuggled to for many years how to address my back hair.  When I was younger, and competing regularly in the pool, I could always ask someone to shave my back as part of my training and competition routine.  That, however, is no longer an option.

For the last 5 years, I have been having my back waxed every 2 months.  This has been very successful, and relatively inexpensive (75 to 100  dollars a session).  Scheduling sessions have been difficult at times due to the tribulations of life.

MacKenzie Alexandra


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