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Trusted Member     East central, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 months ago

It's been a few months, for some reason I put my dressing on hold.  I'm back at it again with a question.  I have some acne scars that I would like to hide with my make up.  What is the best type/brand for doing this?


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Hi Julia

I think you'd probably need to do that with concealer, but you have to use one that matches your skin tone or it will be obvious. The ladies at make up counters will happily advise you; they have little hand-held devices which ensure a perfect match. Guys go in to get help with things like this all the time, so it's no big deal.

The brand I use is Boots No 7, but that doesn't help you! I don't think it's available on your side of the Pond.

I've been taught to apply concealer after primer and foundation, blend it slightly, and then lightly stipple/brush translucent powder over everything to fix it in place. The stage after that would be bronzer and blusher, if you were using those 🙂

Ellie x

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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 605

@ellyd22 omg Ellie, the words you post just flow out so easily from my lips like we’ve been doing this stuff forever. Oh, wait, we have!!!  lol

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1837

@juliarey Welcome back!

You are looking at a concealer or a primer for this.

Kryolan is a good option for this. They do a colour corrector set and also various other options - their makeup is designed for theatre and is a bit thicker than you get in a shop, but it goes a long way.

Use a spray prime, concealer, a matt powder and then foundation over.


Hope that helps,

Anna xx


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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 605

@juliarey If I spot any blemishes on my skin, I turn to a concealer by Revlon, but really, if I thought it was serious, just stop in to a Kohls store and see someone at the Sephora counter and let her help out. They know their stuff.

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 7 months ago

Also, consider researching color correcting. Depending on the color of the scarring, a bit of color correction can reduce the visibility of discoloration.

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Julia,

As Ellie suggests your local pharmacy may have a cosmetics counter with associates who may be certified after completing training sessions.  They will be very happy to help you with matching skin tones and colors and products they carry to solve the problem you chat about.  They will work with you in drab mode or enfemme.



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