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Body language

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Active Member     Swadlincote , Avon, United Kingdom
Joined: 8 years ago

I've been dressing long enough to get my look right but it's not just clothes that make the girl.  Body language I understand is the key to passing but I cannot find any guides that can help me on my ultimate goal of passing.  Can any of you lady's point me in the right direction?

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Hi Erin.

While there are some resources about female body language (you can find them in google) I’d just suggest you that the best way to learn is by observation. Just look at women, from the walk, hand movements, facial expression, etc. After sll, that is mainly how little girls start learning, by mimicking what adult females do and how they do it.



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Active Member     Swadlincote , Avon, United Kingdom
Joined: 8 years ago

Thank you Gaby.  Observation is something that I'm generally good at it's the replication that I'm having difficulty with.  It been looking for I a general starting point. But any thing I've found online so far I about reading sexual attraction.

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Hi Erin ,the best video available is observation. I have been observing probably all my life even  when in man mode, It has for many years been second nature, Py has her own identity , style and mannerisms and she without thought! can step from one to the other. In my life, it is a very natural thing now .I hope you enjoy being here with us all ,and that this may be of some help. Py xx

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I watched and studies the girls at school...probably why they thooght I was a bit creepy...little did they realize they were unwilling role

I;ve become a touchy feely know, make point, brush their shoulder or forearm...Guys just melt when you do that, other girls are often put off so use this power carefully..

Shy always works, but done be overly submissive.

Smile a lot..make other people feel like they are the center of your universe, no wandering eyes when someone walks in the room  when you should be paying attention..

Some boys like a little forewardness..don't be afraid to take his hand..but let him lead when you dance..


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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Hi Erin,

I see a few ladies beat me to the suggestion of observation.  It can be done discreetly, just pay more attention to those around you. Or if watching a show or movie, see how women move when walking or talking or even sitting still. I have found a few things on youtube that have helped especially walking in heel.  It just takes some practice.  This weekend, while at a costume party and in a dress, I went up and down a staircase and then sat down, crossed my legs and put my hands on top of my knees,  I was told that my movements and gestures were very much that of a woman by a group of women.  I smiled but inside was I jumping up and down and dancing thinking, I did it.  So you can do it, keep at it and it will happen. - hugs, Michelle

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Yes, it will happen, like Michelle says... and then it will be interesting to notice that many of those mannerisms "follow you" when you are presenting as a man. 🙂  (Always happens when you get to spend more than a couple of days as a woman...)

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Estimable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
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Thanks for those links, Daniella. Femme Secrets is a fabulous resource!

-- Lori Stark 💋

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi girls. I feel for some 'body language' comes naturally, whereas with others, it can be 'forced'. I have to be careful how I word this for fear of being misconstrued but you really can learn an awful lot by watching girls, I dont mean in a pervy way you understand, i'm talking about mannerisms, the way they stand, the way they walk etc. with practice there is no reason as to why any man could not reciprocate that. of course some of us are naturals, some take a little longer to get the hang of it.

dont slouch, that's a dead giveaway, sit cross legged, a lot of women walk with their arms folded. when most women talk to one another in a standing position, they tend to be cross legged or a leg will point towards the other person. take a pride in your appearance, smell good and I feel you are well on the way to perfection! (I hope). 🙂

love fiona xxx


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