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Body shapers

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Curious to know how body shapers for butt lift and tummy have worked out for others?



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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@krissykitty I bought a cheapish pair of high waist hip padding shorts off Ali Express. They are great, they really make a difference with fitted dresses. I would recommend a pair but don't feel the need to spend a fortune on expensive versions



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Trusted Member     Florida, United States of America
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@krissykitty  I've had breast forms for years but the real kicker is my newly acquired hip pads. I have a reasonable rear end (or so I've been told!) but the missing element was the wider hips sported by cis women. I wear them every day whether I go out or stay home. They really add an element of authenticity to my presentation. Plus, I think I add a bit of swing to my hips when I'm walking about. Breast forms are great and a necessary component of your look but don't underestimate what some nice (and inexpensive) hip pads can do for you.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @krissykitty

Curious to know how body shapers for butt lift and tummy have worked out for others?

To me, overall shape is important to create the right illusion. If I confuse people, then I figure that I am successful.

Aside from a bra and forms, I started off using padded butt underwear. The first pair didn't match my size, so I added the foam pads of the first pair to the pockets of the tighter pair. I think I will try one size smaller, some day, and get a slightly tighter fit.

I have one pair with hip and butt pockets, so I will look for a good pair of those and put at least silicone hip pads in it, if the pockets are in the right spot. I have to be careful, though, because if there is too much hip padding, I can't get some tight, non-stretchy pants on.

I have / had two more separate hip pads. What I got first was a pair of silicone "chicken breasts". They were great, but I lost one in public and need to get another pair. A pocket would really help with these because of their weight and because they had no stickum.

The much longer pair of foam pads is also sticky. I have only used them once because I don't know how long they will stay sticky. While much longer than the silicone ones that I had were, they have to fold at the hip when sitting down. I don't know if they look right when sitting. They should always look OK under a dress or skirt, though.

Overall, I can't get good feedback from my wife to know if the padding looks natural or not, and the effect is subtle enough to make it hard to see in a mirror. My butt is flat, so it has to be doing something. I just don't know how much yet. The shaping effect is more noticeable when wearing a corset. I haven't worn leggings out in public yet, so panty lines may be a problem with some of these pads.

Are pads worth the expense? Mine are all relatively inexpensive, even cheap. Except for losing a fillet, I loved wearing the silicone ones all of the time out in public, but now I know that I have to secure them better. Get whatever you want, as I am sure that the learning experience will be worth it.



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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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I of course have breast forms, corsets, hip, thigh and butt padding, tights with specific areas of reinforcement to help lift and squeeze certain areas, gaffs and so on.  On the whole I do feel that they improve my feminine appearance.  But, I think it is easy to ‘over do it’, so it is important to get the amount of padding and lifting and squeezing right for your body.

However, despite the more feminine visuals, I feel more relaxed and comfortable without body shaping help (breast forms aside).  It allows me to feel the soft, silky material of stockings and skirts against my skin - which I really enjoy, so I tend to not wear body shaping stuff…particularly in the summer.




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No doubt they are my friend and I wear them every time I get dressed. 

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Estimable Member     Athol, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Up until recently did not use them, But now I have crafted out of 2" foam a pair of hip pads and I also have a butt pad that goes on like underwear. Together they make me look like I have a butt and hips and the right pair of skinny jeans I look like I have curves for once in my life! Love it to death,  only think with a gaff, hop pads and butt pads it all gets hot and puts pressure on my front and after 1hr or more it hurts. As they say.... you must pay a price for Beauty or at least to look like you are a real woman. Women 🙂 

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Baroness Annual
Reputable Member     Texas, United States of America
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 I always wear two types of padded shapewear. I wear one that has padded hips and is slightly longer than the padded butt shapewear. All were purchased from Amazon.  I wear a non padded one piece shapewear over that and forms. I'm really not that big wasted to start with. I always start off with a pair of tight panties or a gaff. All my undergarment including my pantyhose are highly modified for ease of using the bathroom. I carefully cut the crotch out of everything and have never had a problem with any of them including the pantyhose fraying or running. A lot of times I wear thigh highs instead of pantyhose. I have no butt and my wife says it looks like someone stood up a frog LOL.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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I'm pretty similar to Nicki @nickicd.  Except unless I'm going to be just in leggings rather than a skirt or dress over, I don't bother with the gaff.  By the time I've got two layers of shapewear over my panties I've already got a pretty reasonable tuck going on!  I add a hook & eye waist shaper/tummy tamer over the top to hold the shapewear in place, it's deliberately a long one since I'm 6'0" and goes up to just under my bra.  Add boobs to taste and off we go!  I haven't cut anything out though (yet), I'm happy that it's easy enough to use the bathroom and find that rolling the bottom of the waist shaper up to get at the rest of the shapewear even holds my skirt or dress nicely out of the way 🙂

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@finallyfiona that works for me too.

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I've not done anything for the backside, but I did try a Spanx item for my midsection. My midsection paused, then asked me, "Are you ferreals, girl? Please, this can't hold us," and I went right back to steel boned corsets.

Now, I'm not young or slender and have mumbledymumble decades working against me, certainly YMMV. 🙂


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