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Hi everyone.
I got my shoes from amazon, they are sooooo beautiful, but with heels 5.11" they are my tallest heels and my calves really hurt when I'm wearing them unless I bend my knees and everybody in here knows that bent knees when walking in heels looks awful.
How can I overcome the pain?
Practice, practice, practice. Like picking up a new sport.
1) Start with lower heels
2) Get into daily foot and calf exercises to build up those muscles
3) Stretch well, push yourself, but don't overstrain and get injured
4) Patience, it will take time, you'll get there
I was actually thinking how I hate exercise classes and was wondering if a fitness class while wearing high heels exists where I live... that would motivate me.
Lea is right…practice, practice and more practice. I am very comfortable in heels up to 5 inches, I have been wearing them for years, walking in them is no problem, they help shape my legs and help give a ‘natural’ sway to my gait. I have tried higher heels but they were too high, so I had to give up on those, but in fact not many women wear heels higher than 5 inches, so I did not mind.
so enjoy the practice in the heels.
Wow, I love heels too (heels are what got me into crossdressing!) but I keep the height to less than 3 inches. My advice would be to practice - a lot - and be careful.
Jave fun wearing your heels..... Staci...
Practice makes a master, Clarissa. I continue practicing and I only take the smaller ones to my activities outside my home (until now outside my country) and I practice on the larger ones. But regardless of the height of the heels, I can only wear them for an hour or two before my big toes bother me. So I usually wear flats or heels that are less than an inch. My biggest problem is that since my women's size is 13W, but for comfort I am wearing women's size 14W, I find it difficult to find shoes even online.
I adore the feel and look of walking in heels and mostly wear 3 to 4 inch heels when out dressed. The appearance and gait with hips swaying is a wonderful feeling once you get the stride down. As said Clarissa start with block heels or 2 inch and practice about the house for an hour each day and soon you find it them natural for walking and enjoying the experience so much
I agree with all responses. Practice, and start with lower heels and work you way up. I notice the difference going from a 2.5" to a 4" heel. Calves and feet get way more tired and sore.
Yes, it's the P word from me, too! It takes time, but once the muscle memory kicks in it becomes so much easier.
This reminds me of my own very first pair of heels, which I bought at a charity shop when I was around 14. When I put them on and tried to stand up, my ankles got very confused. I pitched forward and landed in a heap on the floor.
Thank you all for the advice, guess I have to practice
I have to vaccum a lot and support myself with the tube until I can walk with confidence in these gorgeous shoes
Hey girls, inexperienced as I am, 3" heels are my absolute limit. At my recent makeover I wore 2" silver strappy sandals and I loved them. So comfy but still sexy. The one thing I really can't understand is how any of you girls can drive in heels xx.
Shoes are my obsession. I think I have more high heels than my SO. She doesn’t know thought. Getting better at walking in them.